[AISWorld] Ph.D. Student Opportunities in MIS at Syracuse University

Padmal K Vitharana padmal at syr.edu
Fri Jan 11 11:21:12 EST 2013

Greetings all,

Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University invites prospective students to its Ph.D. program in Management Information Systems (MIS).  Accepted students will be fully and competitively funded by the school.  Profiles of our MIS faculty and their research areas are listed at:

Interested candidates should send their application material by February 15, 2013 (see “Academic Area – MIS”), and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  Details about our Ph.D. program and the application process are available at:

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Vitharana at padmal at syr.edu<mailto:padmal at syr.edu>

Academic Area – Management Information Systems

Applicant Profile
Individuals with a strong interest in Management Information Systems (MIS) should consider applying for the Ph.D. program.  Applicants with a background in accounting, finance or economics are preferred, given the MIS faculty’s expertise and membership in the accounting department.

Program Goal
The goal of the Management Information Systems (MIS) Ph.D. program is to develop both research and teaching skills, and prepare doctoral students for a successful academic career.  Under the guidance of the MIS faculty, Ph.D. students explore various aspects of the management information systems discipline.  Doctoral students are expected to conduct rigorous research publishable in high quality journals in MIS and related fields such as accounting.  Each student is expected to produce a publishable research paper by the end of his/her second year of study.  Accepted students are expected to complete their program of study within four years.  Besides research, Ph.D. students are also trained and gain experience teaching MIS courses.

Program Requirements
The Ph.D. program is structured to allow students to take courses in: (1) the major field of study; (2) the supporting field; and (3) research methodology.  The program also requires that students begin a summer research project upon completion of the first year.

Major Field
Students take twelve credit hours of the following doctoral-level seminar courses, where the same seminar may be offered in multiple semesters on different specialized topics. Additional advanced graduate courses may be required, depending on the student's background.
MIS 930 – Management Information Systems Seminar
ACC 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Accounting
FIN 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Finance
IST 830 – Seminar in Information Systems

Supporting Field
A minor in Accounting is strongly recommended.  A minimum of nine credit hours of PhD level coursework in a related supporting field is required.  Example courses are listed below:
ACC 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Accounting
FIN 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Finance
MKT 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Marketing
SCM 960 – Doctoral Seminar in Supply Chain Management

Research Methods
A minimum of 12 credit hours of advanced graduate level research methods courses must be completed. These will be determined in consultation with the major advisor.

Summer Research Project
Students begin a six credit hour summer research project during the summer following their first year in the program, and complete it by the end of the second year. The project is directed by a faculty mentor in the major area of studies, with the aim of producing a paper of publishable quality. The final project is evaluated by the faculty mentor and one other faculty member in the major area.

Selected Faculty Publications
Michel Benaroch
Benaroch M., Dai Q., and Kauffman R.J., “A Vendor’s Perspective on Managing Outsourcing IT Services with Service-Level Agreement Contract Flexibility,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Spring 2010, Vol. 26, No. 4, 321–362.
Benaroch M. and Goldstein J., “An Integrative Economic Optimization Approach to IS Development Risk Management,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 638-653, 2009.
Benaroch M., Lichtenstein Y. and Robinson K., “Real Options in IT Risk Management: An Empirical Validation of Risk-Option Relationships,” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 827-864, December 2006.

Donald Harter
Harter, D. and Nan, N., "Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35(5) 624-637, September/October 2009
Harter, D. and Slaughter S., "Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis," Management Science, 49(6) 784-800, June 2003.
Harter, D. "Cognitive Support for Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making," Information Systems Research (ISR), 12(1) 63-82, March 2001.

Padmal Vitharana
Vitharana, P., J. King, and H. Chapman, Impact of Internal Open Source Development on Reuse: Participatory Reuse in Action, Journal of MIS, vol. 27, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 277–304.
Basu, A. and Vitharana P., Impact of Customer Knowledge Heterogeneity on Bundling Strategy, Marketing Science Journal, vol. 28, no. 4, July-August 2009, pp. 792-801.
Vitharana, P., F. M. Zahedi and H. Jain, Knowledge‑based Repository Scheme for Storing and Retrieving Business Components: A Theoretical Design and an Empirical Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 29, no. 7, July 2003, pp. 649-664.

Selected PhD Student Publications and Presentations
James Goldstein
Goldstein J., Chernobai A., and Benaroch M., “Event Study Analysis of the Economic Impact of IT Operational Risk and its Subcategories,” Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 9, pp.606-631, 2011.
Benaroch M. and Goldstein J., “An Integrative Economic Optimization Approach to IS Development Risk Management,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 638-653, 2009.
Goldstein J., Chernobai A., and Benaroch M., “Economic Impacts of Information System Operational Risk,” Workshop on Information Systems Economics, WISE’2008, Paris, France, Dec. 10 2008.

Ajit Appari
Benaroch M. and Appari A., “Pricing E-Service Quality Risk in Financial Services,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, forthcoming.
Benaroch M. and Appari A., “Financial Pricing of Software Development Risks,” IEEE Software, September/October 2010, 65-73.
Appari A. and Benaroch M., “Monetary pricing of software development risks: A method and empirical illustration,” Journal of Systems and Software, 83 (2010) 2098–2107.

Yunjie (Calvin) Xu
Xu Y. and Benaroch M., “Information Retrieval with a Hybrid Automatic Query Expansion and Meta-Search Procedure,” Information Retrieval, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 41-65, January 2005.
Xu, Y. and Benaroch M., "Decision Tree Induction with Genetic Programming," Proceedings of the Allied Academies International Conference (Academy of Info. and Mgmt Science), pp. 85-88, October 2000, Hawaii.

PhD Student Awards and Placements
James Goldstein: Best Dissertation Award 2010, Accounting Information Systems Chapter, the American Accounting Association.
James Goldstein: Assistant Professor of Accounting Information Systems, Canisius College, NY (since 2010).
Ajit Appari: Post Doctorate Research Associate, Tuck School of Management, Mc College, NH (since 2008).
Yunjie (Calvin) Xu: Assistant Professor of Information Systems, National University of Singapore (since 2002-2010); Associate professor at the School of Management, Fudan University, China (since 2010)

Padmal Vitharana
Associate Professor
Management Information Systems
506 Whitman School of Management
721 University Avenue
Syracuse, NY  13244-2450
Email: padmal at syr.edu<mailto:padmal at syr.edu>
Phone: (315) 443-3132
Fax: (315) 443-5457

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