[AISWorld] Quality of Data Standards and Standards-Based Data: AMCIS Mini-Track

Zhu, Hongwei HZhu at odu.edu
Mon Jan 14 17:51:26 EST 2013

Dear Colleagues,

You are welcome to submit your work to AMCIS Mini-Track: Quality of Data Standards and Standards-Based Data, to be held in Chicago in August 2013.
Data standards are a primary means to enable semantic interoperability among systems, a critical part of cyberinfrastructure to support research and development, and a vital component to facilitate numerous nationwide initiatives such as financial reporting transparency and efficiency of healthcare delivery. Since the call for research in standards made by senior researchers that edited a special issue of MISQ in 2006, there has been increasing research that investigates various aspects of data standards, especially the quality aspect of standards and their impacts on data quality and downstream system development.
This mini-track focuses on quality issues that involve data standards and data produced according to certain data standards. Similar to other computing artifacts, data standards are costly to develop and can have long-term impacts on the quality and effectiveness of downstream data and systems. This mini-track invites original contributions that investigate various aspects of data standards and other related standards. Topics include, but are not limited to, standards development, standards quality, and impacts of standards on quality of standards-based data, systems, and organizations.

The submission site and manuscript preparation guide can be found at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=84&Itemid=60
Deadline for submission is February 22, 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact mini-track chair, Harry Zhu, at mrzhu at mit.edu or harry_zhu at uml.edu.

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