[AISWorld] Final CfA Schoeller Fellowships 2013 (Application Deadline: January 31, 2013)

Martin Wiener martin.wiener at wiso.uni-erlangen.de
Thu Jan 17 06:24:42 EST 2013



The Dr. Theo and Friedl Schoeller Research Center at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) aims at contributing to responsible leadership in business and society. It has the key purpose to foster current thinking within an international context in the field of “Creating Cohesion - Designing Change - Realizing Innovation”, a top-level research focus of the University. The Center grants research fellowships at the School of Business and Economics for outstanding scholars in the field on an annual basis.

In May 2013, the Dr. Theo and Friedl Schoeller Research Center will appoint the fourth cohort of Schoeller Fellows. Application for these fellowships is now open in the following two categories:

(1) SCHOELLER SENIOR FELLOWS for renowned international senior scholars and
(2) SCHOELLER FELLOWS for promising early career scholars (including post-doctoral researchers and outstanding Ph.D. students).

The Dr. Theo and Friedl Schoeller Research Center provides funds of up to 50,000 EUR per Senior Fellow and up to 20,000 EUR per Fellow for the realization of their research project proposals. Fellows are invited to contribute with their experiences and competencies to the research activities at the School of Business and Economics in Nuremberg.

The application form as well as detailed information regarding the application process and the fellowships (selection criteria, rights and obligations, etc.) are available on the Research Center’s website: www.schoeller-research.org<http://www.schoeller-research.org>.


In case of any questions, please contact Martin Wiener (wiener at schoeller-forschungszentrum.de<mailto:wiener at schoeller-forschungszentrum.de>).

Michael Amberg and Kathrin M. Moeslein
Directors of the Schoeller Research Center
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