[AISWorld] 3rd CfP (Deadline: March 20): Pre-ECIS Workshop on the Digitization in Business Models and Entrepreneurship (DiBME 2013)

Daniel Veit veit at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
Thu Mar 7 10:35:49 EST 2013

  Extended Deadline: CfP Pre-ECIS Workshop on the Digitization in Business
Models and Entrepreneurship (DiBME 2013)

                                              Deadline for submission: March
20 (extended), 2013
                                Workshop: June 5, 2013, prior to ECIS at
Utrecht, Netherlands


Rapid developments in ICT have fostered challenges and changes to existing
firms and have also brought up new opportunities for IT-driven startups. The
business model concept has rapidly been gaining attention in research and
practice as a unit of analysis to understand and model such developments.
This workshop tries to foster the discussion around the topic of business
models and the contributions it might bring to the IS discipline.

Please find further details at www.dibme.org <http://www.dibme.org/>


Authors are encouraged to submit full papers (max. 14 pages) and
research-in-progress (max. 6 pages) to this ongoing discussion. Topics of
the workshop include but are not limited to:

- Behavioral research on business models in IT contexts
- The use of the business model concept by IT-driven startups
- Development/evaluation of new business models in the era of social media,
smartphones, and online services
- Evaluation and simulation of new or existing business models
- Industry-specific classification schemes of business models (e.g. social
media business model types)
- Interplay of different business model components and their configuration
- Development of tools and languages for the description and simulation of
business models
- Impacts of new developments in ICT on business models
- Innovation of business models through IT
- Understanding the business model changes of software companies switching
from on premise to cloud products and services
- Interrelationships of 'fit' between IT, organization, business model, and
- The decision and strategy making in IT startups
- The impacts of management team IT education in entrepreneurial ventures
- IT adoption in Startups

Important Dates

- Deadline for submission: March 20 (extended), 2013 (11:59 p.m.,
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)
- Notification for acceptance: Latest by April 12, 2013
- Deadline for camera-ready version: April 26, 2013
- Workshop: June 5, 2013, prior to ECIS at Utrecht, Netherlands

Registration for the workshop is done via the ECIS registration process. The
fee including catering is 140 Euro. For all accepted papers one of the
authors is required to register and present.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit the extended and
revised versions of their work to a special issue on business models in the
Information Systems Journal (ISJ).

Types and Form of Submissions

Authors are encouraged to submit full papers (max. 14 pages) or
research-in-progress (max. 6 pages) as PDFs. We welcome all types of
rigorous research: literature reviews, conceptual articles, qualitative and
quantitative articles.

Submissions must be original, and not submitted to, or accepted by, any
conference or journal. A separate cover sheet should be enclosed containing
the title of the paper, the author(s) and affiliation(s), and the contact
and address details. This is the only place where the names of the authors
should appear.

All text in manuscripts should be 12-point, Times New Roman, 1.5-spaced,
Left-aligned and roughly follow the guidelines suggested by MISQ. Borders
should be 2 cm on each side. The maximum number of pages given above refers
to the entire contents of manuscripts (e.g., title, tables, figures,
appendix) accept references.


- Chair: Daniel Veit, University of Augsburg
- Program Chair: Thomas Hess, LMU Munich
- Scientific Chair: Christoph Zott, University of Navarra
- Org. Chair: Dennis M. Steininger, University of Augsburg

Program Committee:
- Mutaz M. Al-Debei, University of Jordan
- Alexander Benlian, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Peter Buxmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Eric Clemons, University of Pennsylvania
- Jonas Hedman, Copenhagen Business School
- Dennis Kundisch, University of Paderborn
- Jan Marco Leimeister, University of Kassel
- Peter Loos, Saarland University
- Adamantia Pateli, Ionian University
- Saonee Sarker, Washington State University
- Suprateek Sarker, Washington State University
- Martin Spann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
- Tim Weitzel, University of Bamberg
- Michael Woywode, University of Mannheim

Please find further details at www.dibme.org <http://www.dibme.org/>

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