[AISWorld] AISWorld Digest, Vol 309, Issue 1

Ram Misra misrar at mail.montclair.edu
Fri Mar 29 23:41:07 EDT 2013

Yes, let's meet on Tuesday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 29, 2013, at 4:15 AM, Alta vdm <Alta.vdm at up.ac.za> wrote:

> You are invited to submit a paper to the First Enterprise Systems Conference (ES 2013). The conference will be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa from 7-8 November 2013. IEEE is a technical sponsor of the conference and accepted papers will be published in IEEE Explore. Furthermore, best papers will be invited to rework and resubmit for review for inclusion in the Enterprise Information Systems journal, on the ISI list with an impact factor of 3.68.
> ES 2013: The First International Conference on Enterprise Systems 7-8 November 2013
> Venue: The Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC[1]) Cape Town, South Africa
> Enterprise systems (ES) is a significant field of research, which has become increasingly popular over the past few years. ES integrates and extends organizations from strategy through processes, information and operations across the boundaries of business functions and corporate walls.
> ES incorporates Enterprise Architecture and Engineering, Enterprise Information Systems and Enterprise Management Systems and includes mechanisms to cope with organizations’ ever-increasing complexity by, for instance, ensuring alignment between all business aspects and resources using integrated and holistic models of an organization’s fundamental structure, embodied in all its elements (people, processes, applications, etc.), their relationships to each other and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution.
> The increasing interest by academia and industry motivated the establishment of the First International Conference on Enterprise
> Systems by two technical committees of the IEEE SMC, namely the TC on Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)[2] and the TC on Enterprise Architecture and Engineering (EAE)[3]. The purpose of the conference is to create a platform and forum to present and publish high quality research and foster international collaboration on all aspects of Enterprise Systems.
> Important Dates
> Abstract Submission: 29 April 2013
> Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 13 May 2013
> Final Paper Submission: 27 May 2013
> Notification of Final Paper Acceptance: 4 August 2013
> Conference Dates: 7-8 November 2013
> Researchers in Enterprise Systems are invited to submit their research papers to one of the three conference streams, namely:
> • Enterprise Architecture and Engineering
> • Enterprise Information Systems
> • Enterprise Management Systems
> Papers will be at least double peer reviewed before acceptance by the program committee. The IEEE is our technical sponsor and accepted full papers adhering to all specified requirements and copyright restrictions will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library pending approval by IEEE. IEEE reserves the right to withhold publishing of papers and proceedings that do not meet the IEEE quality standards.
> EIS Journal
> The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit their revised research for review and publication to the Enterprise Information
> Systems (EIS) journal[4].
> Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
> Enterprise Information Systems (EIS):
> • Enterprise information systems‚ design, application, implementation, and impacts in a variety of industrial sectors including manufacturing, service, healthcare, and government.
> • Enterprise information systems and e-logistics, global e-supply chain management, supplier relationship management (SRM), customer relationship management (CRM)
> • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
> • Business process and workflow modelling, analysis, integration, monitoring, and management
> • Enterprise computing concepts for specific domains such as electronic and mobile commerce, vertical domains such as finance, telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, command and control, defence, healthcare, and government
> • Model-driven architecture (MDA), component-oriented architecture, service-oriented architecture (SOA), collaborative dev• Integration of (legacy) enterprise applications and information, integrated systems, e-factories, integrated manufacturing systems, industrial informatics
> • Evolution and management of enterprise computing systems
> • Realization technologies for enterprise computing, including ontologies and semantic web support, middleware standards and systems, such as CORBA and J2EE.
> • Enterprise computing tools
> • Inter-enterprise collaboration and enterprise information systems
> • Business intelligence and knowledge management in enterprise information systems
> • Trust, security, and privacy issues in enterprise computing
> • Quality assurance issues in enterprise computing
> • Systems research, systems engineering and enterprise information systems
> • Future generation enterprise information systems
> • Applications, case studies, and management issues in enterprise information systems
> Enterprise Architecture and Engineering (EAE):
> • Enterprise Architecture
> • Enterprise Engineering
> • Enterprise architecture and engineering tools
> • Enterprise Modelling and integration, also modelling and description languages, such as XML, RDF, OWL, and UML
> • Measurements, Metrics and Evaluation of EA Artefacts and Processes
> • Architectures and Design Principles for Enterprise Repositories
> • Maturity Models for EA Artefacts and Processes
> • Evolution of Enterprise Architecture and Engineering
> • Enterprise Architecture and Engineering Models and Frameworks: implementations and best practices, metrics and measurements
> • Enterprise Knowledge Engineering and Management
> • Business-IT Alignment
> • Enterprise Architecture and Engineering Adoption and Governance
> • Methods, Processes and Patterns for Enterprise Architecture Development
> • Enterprise Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
> • Enterprise Architecture and Organizational Theory and System Development
> • Enterprise Architecture and Business Modelling and Business Process Management
> • Systems research, systems engineering and enterprise architecture
> Enterprise Management Systems (EMS):
> • Enterprise Management Systems (EMS), definitions, implementations, requirements, models
> • Enterprise Management Systems design and development
> • Enterprise Management and business integration, best practices
> • Emotional Intelligence, Human Factors and Enterprise Management Systems
> • Enterprise Management, Business and IT alignment
> • Enterprise Management information needs and systems
> • Architectures and Design Principles for Enterprise Management Systems
> • Enterprise Management Systems measures and metrics
> • Inter-enterprise collaboration and virtual enterprises
> Papers should be formatted according to the IEEE Xplore requirements:
> The paper submission page is:
> https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=es2013
> For any queries contact us at: smces.2013 at gmail.com
> Conference Chairs
> Alta van der Merwe
> Li Xu
> Aurona Gerber
> Andre de la Harpe
> [1] http://www.cticc.co.za/
> [2] http://www.ieeesmc.org/technicalcommittess/tc_eis.html
> [3] http://www.ieeesmc.org/technicalcommittess/tc_eae.html
> [4] http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/teis20
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