[AISWorld] Final CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on Technology for Higher Education, Adult Learning and Human Performance

maggie wang maggiemhwang at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 02:35:21 EDT 2013

*Final **Call for Papers***

*Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)***

*(Indexed by SCOPUS)*

*Special Issue on***

*Technology **for** Higher Education, Adult Learning and Human Performance**

* *

*Guest Editors*

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*Dr. Maggie M. Wang***

Faculty of Education,

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Email: magwang at hku.hk

*Prof. Chi-Cheng Chang***

Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development,

National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Email: samchang at ntnu.edu.tw

* *

*Dr. Feng Wu***

Department of Educational Technology,

Peking University, China

Email:  wufeng at pku.edu.cn

This special issue of the KM&EL international journal is dedicated to t
echnology-enabled solutions and novel methodical approaches for higher e
ducation, adult learning, and human performance. Globalization and economic
dynamics have forced individuals and organizations to search for new ways
to strengthen their competitive advantages. Improvement of learning and
human performance for sustainable development has been recognized as a key
strategy. In this context, it is crucial to help adult learners in
educational institutions and employees in the workplace to improve their
self-directed and life-long learning capabilities. Furthermore, learning in
this context has expanded from individual to organizational and
community levels
with new focuses such as externalization of tacit knowledge embedded in
expertise and practice, peer-driven mutual learning and knowledge sharing,
and systemic retention of knowledge assets for long-term development.

In the meantime, advances in technology have been increasingly enabling and
facilitating learning and knowledge-related initiatives. Technology has
fundamentally changed the way for access to knowledge and for communication
with others. Various technology-enhanced solutions and novel methodical
approaches are currently widely used in educational institutions,
corporations, governments and communities. e-Learning, the use of
electronic media and ICTs, has largely extended learning and training
opportunities. More importantly, technologies have considerably fostered
self-directed knowledge construction through the provision and support for
resource-based, learner-centered environment, computer-based learning
assistance, and expanded social interactions including the development of
new forms of learning communities and networks. More recently, the cloud
computing technology has brought unprecedented opportunities for
educational institutions and other organizations to extend their ICT
capacity and for people to access knowledge resources with high flexibility
and wide choices.

This special issue aims to provide a forum for academics and practitioners
to explore issues related to use, analysis, design, and evaluation of
technologies-based approaches in higher education and various
organizational and community environment as well as the impact of
technology on improving learning and human performance.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - e-Learning in higher education
   - e-Learning for continuing education
   - Distance education and lifelong learning
   - Computer-supported self-directed learning
   - Instructional design in e-learning
   - Knowledge management and e-learning
   - e-Learning/e-Training in organizations and communities
   - Case study and best practice of e-learning
   - Web-based corporate training
   - e-Learning and human performance
   - e-Learning and human resource development
   - Evaluation of online learning performance
   - Online learning environments and tools
   - Online curriculum development
   - Cloud computing in education
   - Medical informatics and education
   - Nurse education and training

We are interested in both theoretical and practical papers that aim to
improve learning and human performance by applying the latest technological
advances. We would like to stimulate interest in the issues across
academia, practice, industry, research and policy, and therefore we welcome
focused papers from all sectors.

*Important Dates**  *

Submission due: 15th Jun 2013

Notification of acceptance: 26th Jul 2013

Publication schedule: Sep 2013

* *

*Submission Instructions** *

Electronic submission by email to Guest Editors is required (magwang at hku.hk)

Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently
be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard double-blind
review process will be used for selecting papers to be published in this
special issue. Authors should follow the instructions outlined in the KM&EL
Website (see URL

For more information about the KM&EL, please visit the web site:

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