[AISWorld] CFP: 2nd International Workshop on Service Clouds in the Enterprise and Beyond (co-located with ICSOC'13)

Alexander Norta alex.norta at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 11:28:04 EDT 2013

2nd International Workshop on Service Clouds in the Enterprise and Beyond
(co-located with ICSOC'13)

The workshop explores technologies that facilitate the management and
coordination of people and services as they collaborate towards a common
goal in a dynamic ecosystem of partners, providers, and suppliers in the
service cloud environment. Many research problems are emerging in this
theme. How social media helps people find the best suited services (on
service marketplace for example Google Apps Marketplace) or people (via for
example crowd-sourcing platforms such as Mechanical Turk, Crowdflower,
oDesk) to collaborate organically in business processes to achieve a common
goal? How to encourage peers (via for example, games or incentives) to
actively participate in cross-organization or even global collaboration?
How to align service clouds and the operational level on top of them to
business strategy or high-level goals of an enterprise? How to model and
manage dynamic, flexible and elastic business processes in this globally
distributed ecosystem which presents challenges such as integration of
different sub systems, compensation, end-to-end monitoring, analysis,
optimization and the like? Many factors contribute to the intricacy of the
problem of cross-enterprise collaboration.

The workshop will serve as a forum for discussion among academic and
industrial researchers as well as practitioners and students interested in
addressing problems in the emerging area. The workshop will further provide
an opportunity to bridge academia and industry in order to connect business
needs with research efforts and apply research achievements into real-world
Call for Papers

The SCEB-workshop encourages original research papers related, but not
limited, to the main themes and preliminary research questions.

   - Models, methods, formalisms, and languages that focus on the control
   and coordination of cross-enterprise collaboration among business services,
   socially-enhanced services and human-provided services in different domains.
   - Ecosystems for service-oriented cloud computing, their secure,
   dependable and sustainable engineering, maintenance and dissolution.
   - Mobile service clouds and their ad-hoc composition in a distributed
   peer-to-peer way.
   - Big data in service clouds with data mining for knowledge extraction
   and information logistics with dynamic mashups.
   - Modelling contracts and checking compliance in socially-enhanced
   services computing.
   - Conceptual modelling for business strategy and high-level goals of an
   enterprise or between enterprises.
   - Techniques for aligning service clouds operated by the operational
   level to business strategy and high-level goals of an enterprise.
   - Extending SOA-formalisms, encapsulations, and constructs to facilitate
   the definition, dispatch, and  orchestration of human Work as a Service
   (WaaS) that can be carried out interchangeably by qualified organizations.
   - IT, middleware, systems, tools, and framework that support
   cross-enterprise collaboration, and their relationship with current
   enterprise or domain tools.
   - Gamification, collaboration, and crowd-sourcing methods and techniques
   and their applications in enterprise business processes.
   - Context, data, and knowledge management as required for managing and
   coordinating work across organizations and their interrelationship with the
   domain data, tools, and processes.
   - Analysis of social relationships among participants in business
   processes and its implications for businesses.
   - Social software design and its implication on business process
   modelling and management.
   - Trust, privacy and security management in cross-organizational
   - Tools/frameworks to facilitate creation of social media based

The goal of this workshop is to foster research in the emerging area of
cross enterprise collaboration. We invite researchers and practitioners
from a wide range of disciplines to exchange ideas and collaboratively
explore different aspects of this area. A keynote address will be followed
by presentations. The workshop will end with a discussion aimed at
identifying core research challenges alongside promising approaches and
concrete next steps for future work. The outcome will be published as a
Manifesto in the workshop post-proceedings alongside the papers.
Important Dates

   - Deadline for Paper Submission: *30 August 2013*
   - Paper Acceptance Notification: 14 October 2013
   - Camera Ready Paper & Copyright: 31 October 2013


*From Traditional Cloud Computing to Elastic Computing*

Elasticity is seen as one of the main characteristics of Cloud Computing
today. Is elasticity simply scalability on steroids? In this talk I will
discuss the main principles of elasticity, present a fresh look at this
problem, and examine how to integrate people, software services, and things
into one composite system, which can be modeled, programmed, and deployed
on a large scale in an elastic way.

*Short Bio*

Schahram Dustdar <http://www.infosys.tuwien.ac.at/staff/sd/> is Full
Professor of Computer Science (Informatics) with a focus on Internet
Technologies heading the Distributed Systems Group. He is recipient of the
ACM Distinguished Scientist award (2009) and the IBM Faculty Award (2012).
He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM
Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technolog and on
the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing. He is the Editor-in-Chief
of Computing (an SCI-ranked journal of Springer).
Submission Instruction

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that
are not  considered for publication elsewhere. Papers should be formatted
according to the Springer formatting guidelines, and submitted as PDF
electronically through easychair.org at:

We invite research papers up to 12 pages in length and shorter vision or
position papers up to 5 pages. The Springer formatting guidelines are
available at: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0

At least one author for each accepted paper must register and participate
in the workshop. For registration information, please see the main ICSOC
conference website: http://www.icsoc.org
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