[AISWorld] New Book: The U.S. Technology Skills Gap, + Website: What Every Technology Executive Must Know to Save America's Future

Kappelman, Leon Leon.Kappelman at unt.edu
Sun Jul 7 00:33:35 EDT 2013

Gary Beach is an old friend and the publisher emeritus of CIO Magazine.  He is definitely one of the good guys.  Gary has been passionately focused on the technology skills gap for decades, researching, speaking, and writing about the deeper root causes of the problem, what is being done about it, and what more we can do about it.  More accurately, what we must do about it in order to thrive in the "Information Age.  Gary spoke here in Dallas at last year's SIMposium conference on these topics.

I'm pleased to tell you that Gary has a book coming out in the next week or two and I was fortunate to get a proof copy last week.  I strongly recommend Gary's book especially if you have an interest in educating and/or hiring tech workers, the competitiveness of the US economy, the IT industry, or the education and career paths your own loved ones.

Here's a link for more information and some free excerpts on the publisher John Wiley's website: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118477995.html.  There's also a link there for faculty to request an evaluation copy.  There's a personal note to me from Gary below with a link to more information about the book on amazon.com, along with a 34% discount.

Best wishes,
Leon Kappelman

"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." - Terry Pratchett
Leon A. Kappelman, Ph.D.
  Professor of Information Systems
  Director Emeritus, Information Systems Research Center
  Fellow, Texas Center for Digital Knowledge
    College of Business, University of North Texas
    Voice: 940-565-4698   Fax: 940-565-3803  Email: kapp at unt.edu<mailto:kapp at unt.edu>
Founding Chair, Society for Information Management's Enterprise Architecture Working Group
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-----Original Message-----

From: Gary Beach<mailto:gbeach at idgenterprise.com>

Subject: Book

Hello Leon. I hope this note finds you well!

I am doing fine here at CIO Magazine and I am really excited about finishing up my book - "The U.S.Technology Skills Gap" - due to be published by John Wiley and Sons in mid-July. I sent you a copy earlier of the book's "front matter", which is book publishing jargon for the introduction - so please find attached the latest version.  Also included is a link to the book's landing page on Amazon.


Please tell your friends, faculty members, students about it. I am certainly no John Steinbeck but I do believe "Skills Gap" tells an important story about the history of math and science education in America....and what have a strong math and science infrastructure means for the future strength of America's economy, workforce employability and national security.

Thanks as always for your support.


Gary J.Beach

Publisher Emeritus

CIO Magazine



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