[AISWorld] SIN'13: CFP D/L July 31st. InCoop ACM/SIGSAC

Atilla Elçi atilla.elci at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 07:23:58 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues, 

FYI, SIN'13 update in terms of Phase 2 submission deadline and keynote
speakers are appended below.




The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks

November 26-28, 2013, Aksaray, Turkey




In Technical Cooperation with ACM / SIGSAC.  Proceedings by ACM Press and
ACM Digital Library.


Keynotes by: 

Georges ATAYA, Ali AYDIN, Lyudmila BABENKO, Bart PRENEEL, Erkay SAVAŞ,


Papers, special sessions, tutorials, and workshops addressing all aspects of
security in information and networks are being sought. Researchers and
industrial practitioners working on the following and related subjects are
especially encouraged: Development and realization of cryptographic
solutions, security schemes, new algorithms;  critical analysis of existing
approaches;  secure information  systems, especially  distributed  control
and processing  applications, and security in networks; interoperability,
service levels and quality issues in such systems; information  assurance,
security, and public policy; detection and prevention of cybercrimes such as
fraud and phishing; next generation network architectures, protocols,
systems and applications; industrial experiences and challenges of the


Topics of Interest: 


Possible topics include:

.    Access control and intrusion detection

.    Cyber Physical Systems

.    Autonomous and adaptive security 

.    Security tools and development platforms

.    Computational intelligence techniques in security 

.    Security ontology, models, protocols & policies

.    Computer network defense 

.    Standards, guidelines and certification

.    Cryptographic techniques and key management 

.    Security-aware software engineering

.    Industrial applications of security 

.    Trust and privacy

.    Information assurance

.    Cyber Warfare (attacks and defenses)

.    Next generation network architectures 

.    Malware analysis

.    Network security and protocols 

.    Security challenges in Mobile/Embedded Systems


Proposal submission: 


Papers should include the title, author's name(s), affiliation, mailing
address, telephone, fax and email of the principal author. All papers will
be reviewed by at least three members of the reviewers judging their
originality, significance, correctness, presentation and relevance.
Acceptance and final category depend on reviewer feedback.  All accepted
papers will be published by ACM Press in the conference proceedings and
placed into the ACM Digital Library. Extended versions of selected papers
will be invited for possible publication in a special issue of an
international journal (TBA).  The submitted papers should be written
according to double-column ACM conference format
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates).   All papers,
special session, tutorial, and workshop proposals  must   be   submitted
electronically   via   the   SIN   2013 Submission Site


Paper categories:


.  Research  contributions  - Submissions  must  not  substantially
duplicate  work  that  any  of the  authors  has  published  elsewhere  or
has submitted simultaneously  to any other conference or workshop that has
published proceedings.  Maximum length for the proceedings is 8 pages for
full papers, 4 pages for short papers.

.  Student  contributions  -  Doctoral  /  Masters  Students  are
encouraged  to  propose  papers  on  ongoing  research.  Please add
"(Student contribution)" to the title. Maximum length for the proceedings is
4 pages for student papers.

.  Industrial contributions - Authors from industry and government
enterprises are welcome  to submit original  papers that describe  their
experiences, challenges, and applications in security. Maximum length for
the proceedings is 8 or 5 pages.

.  Position  papers  /  fast  abstracts  -  Authors  are  also  encouraged
to  propose  position  papers  /  fast  abstracts  on  practical  studies
and experiments,  critiques of existing work, emerging issues, and novel
ideas under development.  Maximum length for the proceedings is 2 pages for
fast abstracts and position statements.

.  Tool  demos  - Enterprises  and research  centers  developing,
implementing,  or using  security  tools  and frameworks  are encouraged  to
propose application / tool demos. Maximum length for the proceedings is 4
pages for tool demos.


Important Due Dates:


Paper Submission: July 31, 2013 (Phase 2) 

Tutorial Proposal: June 30, 2012(Phase 1, soft d/l)

Notification: August 31, 2013

Camera Ready & Author Registration: September 20, 2013 


Organization Committee:


Conference Chairs:


Atilla Elçi, Aksaray University, Turkey

Manoj Singh Gaur, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, India 

Mehmet Orgun, Macquarie University, Australia

Oleg Makarevich, Southern Federal University, Russia


Program Chairs:


Alexander Chefranov, Eastern Mediterranean  Univ., North Cyprus

Vijay Laxmi, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, India

Josef Pieprzyk, Macquarie University, Australia

Ludmila Babenko, SFedU, Taganrog, Rostov, Russia

Berna Örs Yalçın, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


Organized by:


.             Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Aksaray
University, Aksaray, Turkey

.             Department of Computer Engineering, Malaviya National
Institute of Technology Jaipur

.             The Centre  for Advanced  Computing  - Algorithms  and
Cryptography  (ACAC)  & The Information  and Networked  Systems  Security

(INSS) & Intelligent Systems Group (ISG), Dept. of Computing, Macquarie
University, Sydney, Australia

.             Department of Security of Information Technologies,
South-Russian Regional Scientific-Educational Center for Information

Problems, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Rostov, Russia

.             Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

.             Ahiler Development Agency, Nevsehir, Turkey


Hosted By: 


Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey



Atilla Elci, Ph.D.








SIN'13: www.sinconf.org/sin2013/

SIN'13 LinkedIn:

SIN'13 FB: http://www.facebook.com/sinconf2013 

IGI CRYPSIS Book: http://tinyurl.com/d8wg7l2

Springer Book: http://tinyurl.com/ESAS-book

ICPCA/SWS'12 Proc.:


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