[AISWorld] ACIS 2013 Call for Papers Track: Information Systems Theory and Practice (Melbourne, 4-6 December 2013)

Dongming Xu d.xu at business.uq.edu.au
Thu Jul 18 00:28:40 EDT 2013

In 2013, the 24th ACIS will be held at the City campus, RMIT University, Australia. The conference will run from 4 - 6 December. http://www.rmit.edu.au/acis2013

Track of Information Systems Theory and Practice
Information Systems as a discipline has existed for more than 50 years. The field has matured from an emerging discipline in the early years to become a reference discipline today. IS has shifted from the original idea of a 'technical system' that connects with organizational management and processes to the current idea of a 'social system' that connects all aspects of our organizational social life and inter-organizational relationships. Theory and Practice have been the fundamental components of the Information Systems discipline in terms of teaching and research. The integration of theory and practice, and theory-driven practices directed at social and business transformation are central to IS. In this track, we invite papers that address IS theory-enabled practical organizational and social transformations that will bridge relationship between theory and practice within the context of the information systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Theories and their application to information systems
    Research methodologies and their development in IS
    Organizational and social impacts of IS
    The role of IS in business
Cases that demonstrate IS

We seek to engage the Australian and International IS academic community by encouraging the following Submissions:

    Research Papers
    Research In Progress Papers
    Teaching Cases

    Education Papers
    Position Papers
    Practitioner Reports

The submission information (types, format, submission link) can be found from the link below: http://www.rmit.edu.au/browse/RMIT%20Events%2FMajor%20events%2FACIS%202013%2FCall%20for%20Papers/

Track Chairs and Contact Details
Dr Dongming Xu, The University of Queensland, Australia (D.Xu at business.uq.edu.au)
Associate Professor Wei Thoo Yue, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (Wei.T.Yue at cityu.edu.hk)
Dr Caddie Gao, Monash University, Australia (Caddie.Gao at monash.edu)

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