[AISWorld] Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (JVWR) Call for Reviewers

Yesha Sivan yesha.sivan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 09:16:24 EDT 2013

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        [image: Journal of Virtual Worlds

 Dear Yesha Y.,

Call for Reviewers

July 23rd, 2013

The benefits of being a JVWR reviewer:

   1. A step for becoming a future author.
   2. A critical step for becoming an issue editor.
   3. Enjoy our* Double-Open review policy* – it’s a good opportunity to
   meet colleagues and fellow authors. See
   4. *Help *the Editorial Team select high quality academic papers for
   publication thus ensuring continuation of JVWR excellent reputation in the
   5. Reviewer's *rating *enables editors select the best, quick, accurate
   and knowledgeable reviewers. No one else sees this rating.
   6. Get on our “*Recognized Reviewers*” list. See the
   7. Receive JVWR special *appreciation *certificate.

 [image: JVWR Certificate of Appreciation]

The *Journal of Virtual Worlds Research *is an online, open access academic
journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages
established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. Manuscripts
submitted to the JVWR will generally be reviewed by two experts in the
field. We aim to provide a fast and thorough review, and the reviewers′
assistance in this process is much appreciated.

We see the current predominance of the virtual worlds of Second Life and
its competitors as the most recent iteration of a long lineage of
developments in virtual reality and gaming both in terms of technologies
and conceptualization. We hope that through this venue we are contributing
to the development of specific space within the scholarly and creative
communities for discourse on the wide variety of topic areas that are
involved in virtual worlds research, including history of virtual worlds,
cultural and social theory, quantitative research, qualitative research,
virtual ethnography, pedagogy, education and virtual worlds, development,
experimentation, ideas and the intersection of virtual worlds and society.

Due to the increasing volume of submissions to the journal, *JVWR *is
looking for *reviewers *to help the editorial team select the best academic
papers for publication. We are seeking scholars interested in serving our
volunteer editorial team.

As a reviewer you will be asked by the issue editors to review papers and
provide constructive feedback about the merits of submissions in terms of
quality and contribution to the field. JVWR expects to receive reviews in a
timely, collegial manner, with a high level of expertise, objectivity and
insightful evaluation of the manuscripts. Note our Double-Open
To learn more about the journal see About

How to:

To be considered as a reviewer you will need to become a JVWR reader:

   1. First, please make sure you subscribe to the journal, if you are not
   already a subscriber. See top left of JVWR
   2. Then register<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=497671c0b0&e=1410976b30>to
open a reader account in our publishing system (TDL). Make sure you
   check the "*Reader*" check- box. It is recommended that if you intend to
   submit a paper even if at a later stage, to also check the "Author"
   3. Login<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=94cd157445&e=1410976b30>to
our publishing system (top right menu of JVWR homepage).  The "
   *HowTo*" document is available
   4. Complete your profile with as many details as you can, mention
   specifically your “*Reviewing Interests*” to entice editors pick you up
   as a reviewer.
   5. Email the Coordinating Editor (tzafnat.shpak AT jvwresearch DOT org)
   a cover letter including your professional resume, academic editing
   experience, as well as your interest in the Virtual Worlds domain.
   6. Upon the Managing Editor's decision, you will be notified of
   receiving reviewer's rights. Editors will be able now to contact you
   directly, based on your interests and experience.

Already a Reviewer?

Issue editors will contact you directly. The reviewing process is done
directly within the publishing system. You can also suggest yourself to
editors based on the various calls (see publications’ timetable on the menu
at the right of our home page.) Email us to info at jvwresearch.org and we
will connect you to the relevant editor.

You are always welcome to update your profile by logging into the
publishing system via
the top of the right-hand menu (

If you are invited to be a reviewer, please respond ASAP to editor's email
whether you accept or decline the request (by simple reply to the request
email). If you cannot perform the review due to time conflicts or other
preoccupations please respond as well. Failure to respond, either accept or
decline the request for review, may cause removal from our reviewers' list.

If you have colleagues who may be interested in becoming a reviewer, please
feel free to forward this call further.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


*Yesha Sivan*
Managing Editor, The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Professor at the Management Information System Program, Tel Aviv Academic
Founder, Metaverse-Labs
   [image: JVWR Call for
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