[AISWorld] Save the date: JVWR ICIS2013 Workshop "Via the Looking Glass" Milan, Italy, Sunday 15-Dec-2013

Yesha Sivan yesha.sivan at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 02:16:21 EDT 2013

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        [image: Journal of Virtual Worlds

 Dear Yesha Y.,

SAVE THE DATE: Milan, Italy; 15 Dec. 2013 13:00-18:00 (Location: Bocconi
University, TBD)
JVWR ICIS2013 Event
Via the Looking Glass: Milan, Italy. Sunday 15-Dec-2013.
Time: 13:00-18:00
Location: Bocconi University, TBD

Live Demo of Google Glass, Oculus Rift & Reflection on 3D3C Worlds



*13:00-14:00 Gathering + Lunch*
   Getting to know each other.

*14:00-14:30 Intro to Google Glass + Demo + Q&A*
     David Zakariaie, Google Glass Explorer. LA, CA; USA

*14:30-15:00 Intro to Oculus Rift + Demo + Q&A*
     Yesha Sivan, Tel Aviv; Israel

*15:00-15:15 Break*

*15:15-16:30 Invited talks --  TBD*
    based on
3D3C Virtual Worlds - Topical Lantern

*16:30-17:00 Lightning Talks*
     Quick papers and budding research

*17:00-17:30 Editors’ perspective: Advancing Research - Springer / JVWR*
    David Gefen (Moderator), Yesha Sivan (JVWR, Managing Editor), Christian
Rauscher (Springer, Editor, Business/Economics)

Abstracts: *Intro to Google Glass + Demo + Q&A*
David Zakariaie, Google Glass Explorer. LA, CA; USA

In this presentation David who is one of the explorers in the Google Glass
Explorer program will give us an overview of the Glass itself and its

•    Components of Glass
•    GDK (Glass Development Kit) and Mirror Api’s
•    Special Considerations (Privacy, Battery Life, Radiation)
•    Core Capabilities
•    Sample Application

 *Intro to Oculus Rift + Demo + Q&A*
Yesha Sivan, www.dryesha.com<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=1d9bbafd62&e=1410976b30>

•    Components of Rift
•    SDK (Development Kit)
•    Special Considerations (TBD)
•    Core Capabilities
•    Sample Applications
 *Invited sessions* Based on JVWR issue CfP: 3D3C Virtual Worlds - Topical
Lantern Review<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=4b0591cbb3&e=1410976b30>Review

•   TBD
•   TBD
•   TBD

 *Lightning talks*

•   TBD
•   TBD
•   TBD

If you wish to present a poster and a short lightning talk about your work.
The purpose of the lightning talk is to get to know each other, and give
light to budding research.

*Dates for Second Round:*

*15-Sep-2013*: Poster & Lightning talk submission.
*23-Sep-2013:* Decision to submitter.
Send proposals to tzafnat.shpak AT jvwresearch.org

 *EdAdvancing Research - Springer / JVWR*
David Gefen, MIS Prof. at Drexel Uni., Moderator with Yesha Sivan, JVWR
Managing Editor, and Christian Rauscher, Editor, Business, Operations
Research & Information Systems
Springer, Germany David Gefen (gefend at drexel.edu) is a Professor of MIS at
Drexel University, Philadelphia USA, where he teaches IS Outsourcing,
Strategic Management of Information Systems, Database Analysis and Design,
SAS and data-mining, and research methodologies. David has
authored some of the most cited papers in MIS about trust and about gender
in the context of IS adoption, outsourcing, and online markets. He received
his Ph.D. in CIS from Georgia State University and a M.Sc. in MIS from
Tel-Aviv University. Before becoming an academic David was a chief
programmer and systems analyst, and then senior manager of a large
logistics information system.  His research findings have been published in
some of the leading journals, including *MISQ, ISR, IEEE TEM, JMIS, Omega*,
and *JAIS*. David is an author of a textbook on *Advanced
Web and Desktop Applications in
ADO.NET and ASP.NET<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=d5df655469&e=1410976b30>
* in 2004 and a book on the *Art of IS Outsourcing* in 2011. David is
currently a senior editor in MISQ, the leading academic journal in the
Management Information Systems discipline, as was previously a senior
editor with* JMIS* and *DATABASE.*

Looking forward to hearing from you,


*Yesha Sivan*
Managing Editor, The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Professor at the Management Information System Program, Tel Aviv Academic
Founder, Metaverse-Labs
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