[AISWorld] Final CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on Practical Applications of KM Systems for Organizational Learning

maggie wang maggiemhwang at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 10:12:08 EDT 2013

*Final **Call for Papers***

*Knowledge Management & E-Learning (KM&EL)***

*(Indexed by SCOPUS)*

*Special Issue on***

*Practical Applications of KM Systems for Organizational Learning***

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*Guest Editors*

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*Prof. Murali Raman***

Multimedia University, Malaysia

Email: murali.raman at mmu.edu.my <magwang at hku.hk>

*Ms. Magiswary Dorasamy***

Multimedia University, Malaysia

Email: magiswary.dorasamy at mmu.edu.my <magwang at hku.hk>

Modern day organizations are subject to continuous change. To remain
relevant and competitive, it is imperative that organizations cultivate and
foster learning capabilities. It has been widely accepted that learning is
a subcomponent of knowledge management activities in an organizational
context. Numerous studies have been done to examine the relationship
between knowledge management (KM) and organizational learning (OL). Yet,
limited research has been published to demonstrate how practical design and
implementation of a KM system (or an instantiation of it) can
impact/influence learning capabilities within organizations. KM in general
is defined as a systematic way of creating, storing, sharing and
disseminating knowledge to aid various forms of decision making within
organizations. A KM system meanwhile is often related to the application of
Information Technology to support KM efforts in an organizational context.
OL is a sub-domain of organizational theory that examines issues pertaining
to the importance of learning and keeping abreast with changes within the
organizational landscape. There is significant role and scope for well
designed and implemented KM systems to support learning efforts.

Given this backdrop, we would like to call for papers that examine anyone
or more of (albeit not restricted to) the following topics, in this special

·           KM Systems and its role in organizational learning

·           Cases that report on practical instances of KM implementation
to aid OL in an institutional context

·           Conceptual design of KM Systems that can lead to OL efforts

·           Lessons learned from KM implementation in the context of OL

·           Action research projects that showcase how a particular KM
system/tool was implemented to support OL efforts either in an educational
or corporate context

·           Theories that examine how KM systems can impact learning efforts

·           A discussion on a particular dimension of KM system (e.g.
database, web-based systems, ontologies, semantic webs etc.) was applied to
foster learning in a given situation.

·           Other related topics as approved by the editors of the special

*Important Dates**  *

Submission due: 15th Sep 2013

Notification of acceptance: 15th Nov 2013

Publication schedule: Dec 2013

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*Submission Instructions** *

Electronic submission by email to Guest Editors is required (
murali.raman at mmu.edu.my or magiswary.dorasamy at mmu.edu.my <magwang at hku.hk> ).

Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently
be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard double-blind
review process will be used for selecting papers to be published in this
special issue. Authors should follow the instructions outlined in the KM&EL
Website (see URL

For more information about the KM&EL, please visit the web site:

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