[AISWorld] no-cost web-based PLS path modeling application

Geoffrey Hubona ghubona at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 06:32:12 EDT 2013

I have developed an online PLS path modeling application that uses R
software as the computational engine. It uses the relatively new 'shiny'
package in R and thus can run over the Internet although the desktop
version is currently faster and more stable. The application leverages R's
superior graphics and visualizations to provide a better understanding of
the "real relationships" among the latent variables than is afforded by
other contemporary PLS path modeling software tools.

Interested users can have a no-cost fully-featured desktop copy for
permanent installation and use if they attend a 60-minute online training
session. We want people who use it to know how to use it. The training
sessions are offered in both the AM and PM.

Here is a text-description synopsis of the features, as well as video

The schedule and sign-up for the online training sessions is here:


Geoff Hubona
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