[AISWorld] BPM Newsletter [Issue 2/2013] Reflecting on BPM 2013, BPM Test of Time Award, Interview CEO Bizagi, BPM Use Cases, BPM Tools, New: Topic Areas at BPM 2014 in Haifa, etc.

Aalst, W.M.P. van der W.M.P.v.d.Aalst at tue.nl
Fri Sep 20 07:36:00 EDT 2013

BPM Newsletter September 2013

The annual International Conference on Business Process Management is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process Management (BPM). 
The BPM Newsletter  <http://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/pub/BpmConference/NewsletterSeptember2013/BPM-newsletter-Sept2013.pdf> is intended for the active and growing community involved and/or interested in this conference series. It can be downloaded from http://bpm-conference.org.

. Reflecting on another successful BPM conference in Beijing
More than 260 BPM experts from 28 countries attended BPM.

. Interview with Gustavo Gómez on Bizagi's BPM vision
Gustavo Gómez the CEO of Bizagi, a leading provider of BPM solutions, attended BPM 2014 and discusses trends in BPM.

. Message from PC Chairs of BPM 2014 in Haifa
BPM 2014 will take place in Haifa and will feature a set of innovations as explained by Pnina Soffer, Shazia Sadiq, and Hagen Völzer (BPM 2014 PC Chairs).

. Deadline for BPM 2014 Workshop proposals is approaching
Submit your workshop proposal before December 1st, 2013. See http://bpm2014.haifa.ac.il for instructions. 

. New: Topic Areas 
The BPM 2014 Topic Champions discuss developments in BPM and encourage authors to submit.

. BPM Tool Database Up and Running
Currently there are about 50 BPM tools in the database including business process modeling tools, business process analysis tools, BPM suites, WFM tools, and BPI tools. 

. Massive Online Course on BPM 
In the context of the openHPI initiative an online course on Business Process Modeling and Analysis is organized. 

. First BPM Test of Time Award and Runner-Up Award  
Read the newsletter to see which awards were handed out at BPM 2013.

. Use Cases and special issue of the BISE (Business & Information Systems Engineering)  journal
As a follow-up of the BPM 2013 panel and questionnaire, BPM researchers are encouraged to the BPM Use Case discussion that will ultimately result in a special issue of the BISE journal.

Read more in <http://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/pub/BpmConference/NewsletterSeptember2013/BPM-newsletter-Sept2013.pdf>. 

Wil van der Aalst
Chair of the BPM Steering Committee

BPM Website and Mailing list
The website http://bpm-conference.org provides more information on the BPM conference series and news for the community. The bpm-conference at hpi.uni-potsdam.de mailing list is used as a means to communicate with the BPM community. To (un)subscribe, visit http://lists.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/listinfo/bpm-conference. 

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