[AISWorld] Two New Books on Web Services by Springer

Michael Sheng qsheng at cs.adelaide.edu.au
Mon Sep 23 23:51:18 EDT 2013

1st Book:
Web Services Foundations, Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4614-7517-0
Edited by Athman Bouguettaya, Quan Z. Sheng, and Florian Daniel

2nd Book:
Advanced Web Services, Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-1-4614-7534-7
Edited by Athman Bouguettaya, Quan Z. Sheng, and Florian Daniel

"I am happy to commend the editors and authors on their accomplishment, 
and to inform the readers that they are looking at a landmark in the 
development of the Web services field. Anybody serious about Web 
services ought to have handy a copy of Web Services Foundations and 
Advanced Web Services in their private library!"
--- Michael P. Papazoglou,

Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving 
areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, 
and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that 
uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, 
distributed applications out of the reusable application logic 
encapsulated by Web services. Web services could be considered the 
best-known and most standardized technology in use today for distributed 
computing over the Internet.

Web Services Foundations is the first installment of a two-book 
collection covering the state-of-the-art of both theoretical and 
practical aspects of Web services and SOC research. This book 
specifically focuses on the foundations of Web services and SOC and 
covers - among others - Web service composition, non-functional aspects 
of Web services, Web service selection and recommendation, and assisted 
Web service composition. The editors collect advanced topics in the 
second book of the collection, Advanced Web Services. Both books 
together comprise approximately 1400 pages and are the result of an 
enormous community effort that involved more than 100 authors, 
comprising the world's leading experts in this field.

For the details of the books, please visit:

Web Services Foundations

Advanced Web Services

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