[AISWorld] International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) - contents of latest issue Volume 3, Issue 4,

Ali Hussain Zolait azolait at uob.edu.bh
Wed Sep 25 07:59:03 EDT 2013

The contents of the latest issue of: Volume 3, Issue 4, October

International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD)

Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Volume 3, Issue 4, October – December 2012

Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically

ISSN: 1947-9301 EISSN: 1947-931X

Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA


Editor-in-Chief: Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait, University of Bahrain, Bahrain


Comparing Low and High-Fidelity Prototypes in Mobile Phone Evaluation

Ting Zhang (Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), Pei-Luen Patrick Rau (Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), Gavriel Salvendy (Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) and Jia Zhou (Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)

This study compared usability testing results found with low- and high-fidelity prototypes for mobile phones. The main objective is to obtain deep understanding of usability problems found with different prototyping methods. Three mobile phones from different manufactures were selected in the experiment. The usability level of the mobile phones was evaluated by participants who completed a questionnaire consisting of 13 usability factors. Incorporating the task-based complexity of the three mobile phones, significant differences in the usability evaluation for each individual factor were found. Suggestions on usability testing with prototyping technique for mobile phones were proposed. This study tries to provide new evidence to the field of mobile phone usability research and develop a feasible way to quantitatively evaluate the prototype usability with novices. The comparisons of paper-based and fully functional prototypes led us to realize how significantly the unique characteristics of different prototypes affect the usability evaluation. The experiment took product complexity into account and made suggestions on choosing proper prototyping technique for testing particular aspects of mobile phone usability.

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A Usability Analysis Framework for Healthcare Information Technology

Surendra Sarnikar (Dakota State University, Madison, SD, USA) and Maureen Murphy (Dakota State University, Madison, SD, USA)

Healthcare organizations are investing in healthcare information technology (HIT) to improve quality and outcomes. However, HIT has also been known to introduce unintended consequences and adverse effects. The adverse effects range from process changes to serious clinical errors. In order to ensure the safety of healthcare information technologies, the authors propose a usability analysis framework for healthcare information technology that can help identify, classify and prioritize potential errors. Such a framework can help design better usability studies specifically targeted at studying technology-induced errors and therefore help in the design of safer healthcare information technologies.

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Usability Evaluation of Hospital Websites in Pakistan

Saqib Saeed (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan), Iram Jamshaid (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan) and Saira Sikander (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan)

Usability is defined as the easiness with which a system is used by end users to achieve their goals. This important attribute helps end users to effectively use the software systems. Usability has become vital because end users of software systems are quite varied in their technology skills. Similarly, usability of websites is also becoming more important. In today’s world when people hardly get time to visit a doctor, hospitals can facilitate them by making online appointments and discuss their health issues with the doctors via internet. This paper has conducted a survey on some of the hospital websites of Pakistan and has provided some suggestions about how these hospitals can improve their online services by increasing the usability aspects of their websites.

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The Digital Divide and Its Influence on Public Education Diffusion

Emad Abu-Shanab (MIS Department, IT College, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan)

It is evident that information and communication technologies (ICTs) have improved performance and efficiency for different types of organizations. One of the important applications of ICT in public and private businesses is related to education, where electronic learning (e-learning) is a domain that became a paradigm more than a specific application. To utilize the full benefits of e-learning in public education and to exploit the diverse options of e-learning and specifically the synchronization of learning, digital divide is becoming an important obstacle that prevents teachers, students, and society members from benefiting from this phenomenon. Governments are striving to bridge the digital divide so that equal opportunities for education are guaranteed for their citizens in urban and rural areas. It is vital to explore the influence of digital divide on rural areas and how it affects the learning process. This study will explore the digital divide phenomenon, its relationship to e-learning concepts, how governments bridge this divide through e-government options, and finally, conduct an empirical test that explores the perceptions of students living in rural areas around the digital divide and its relationship to e-learning and education.

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A Study on Privacy and Security Aspects of Facebook

Syed Hassan Faraz (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan), Syed Hassan Tanvir (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan) and Saqib Saeed (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan)

Social web has changed the concept of leisure time. As a result street neighbors have been replaced by e-neighbors and walls have become e-walls to share ideas and gossips. Despite so many advantages we cannot ignore potential threats to user privacy and security. In order to be extremely usable, such systems should have strict security and privacy policies in place. In this paper the authors focus on “Facebook” to understand privacy and security problems by carrying out a web based survey. Based on the findings from empirical data the authors propose different enhancements for the improvement of user privacy and potential threats to user account security.

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For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: http://www.igi-global.com/EResources/InfoSciJournals.aspx. *****************************************************


Mission of IJTD:

The mission of the International Journal of Technology Diffusion is to continue to be one of the top-tier research and leading journals on global innovation and systems management. It is going to publish articles related to all aspects of the application of information systems, technology, and innovation acceptance research. For example, it will accept manuscripts on management information systems, decision support systems (DSS), managerial and organizational concerns, educational issues, and innovative applications related to global management innovation systems. Very important to the journal is its emphasis on quality and relevance. The journal will be international in all aspects: content, article authorship, readership, and the editorial board. It propagates knowledge to researchers, practitioners, academicians, and educators all over the world on a timely basis.

Coverage of IJTD:

·         Adoption of IS

·         Business data communications

·         Diffusion of innovation models

·         Distributed databases and networks

·         DSS/EIS/ES in international settings

·         E-commerce

·         E-government

·         Electronic commerce

·         Electronic data interchange

·         ERP

·         E-services

·         Evaluation of MIS

·         Frameworks and models for international management innovation systems (IMIS) system development

·         Graphics and Web design

·         Information resources management

·         Information security

·         Internet related issues

·         IS applications and case studies

·         Issues in accounting information systems

·         IT and economic development

·         IT and human resource issues

·         IT diffusion in developing countries (eg Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa)

·         IT in developing countries

·         Management information systems

·         Network security

·         Networking

·         Organizational and management system structures

·         Performance analysis

·         System analysis

·         Technology acceptance

·         Telecommunications

·         Web technology

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Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines

All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief: Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait at alizolait at gmail.com<mailto:%20alizolait at gmail.com>


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