[AISWorld] International Conference on Analytics Driven Solutions ICAS 2014 - First Call for Papers

Sue Nugus sue at academic-conferences.org
Wed Oct 2 07:43:07 EDT 2013



This is a first call for papers for the inaugural International
Conference on Analytics Driven Solutions ICAS 2014 which is being held
at the Telfer School Centre of Business Analytics and Performance

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada on the 29-30 September 2014.


Analytics are now a well established multidimensional field of study and
an area of application which has attracted much interest in recent
years. It has been successful in many ways and is now a subject of
academic study in Computer Science, Information Management, Knowledge
Management, Intellectual Capital, Investment Analysis, and Corporate
Strategy to mention only a few areas.


ICAS 2014  aims to bring researchers and practitioners in analytics from
these different disciplines and more together.  


Analytics has evolved from what originally was called management science
and operations research to a multidisciplinary and multi-application
field that in addition to mathematical modelling and statistical
methods, includes data mining, applied modelling, actuary science,
technology development, total quality management, Six Sigma, Lean
Analysis, constraints theory and various aspects of risk management. The
difference now is that there is an increased awareness that individuals
are doing analytics work in their own chosen field of study. This is due
to many factors, including access to better technology and a realisation
of the need for Analytics to be applied to deliver solutions to
problems. This has resulted in some stove piping which ICAS is designed
to alleviate.


ICAS brings together researchers using Analytics from any field of study
as well as practitioners involved in the application of Analytics
techniques to share ideas about the research and application of this


For more information please go to:


Academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are
welcomed approaches. PhD Research, Masters Research, proposals for
roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and product
demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. Please feel
free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts you think
may be interested.


Following a double-blind peer review process, those Papers accepted for
presentation will be published in the conference proceedings subject to
author registration and payment. 


Selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also be
considered for publication in a number of high quality journals.


Papers presented at the conference will be published in the conference
proceedings with an ISSN and ISBN, subject to author registration and
payment. Selected papers that have been presented at the conference will
also be considered for publication in a special issue of the Electronic
Journal of Knowledge Management. The latest issue is now available on
the journal website. The conference proceedings are indexed in the ISI
World of Science.



Kind regards



Sue Nugus

Conferences Director


sue at academic-conferences.org

Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148

Follow me on Twitter <https://twitter.com/#!/suenugus> 

Connect with me on LinkedIn







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