[AISWorld] photo and video consent with ICIS Registration

Benbasat, Izak izak.benbasat at sauder.ubc.ca
Sat Oct 5 02:55:37 EDT 2013

I agree Claudia.

Izak Benbasat, Professor
Sauder School of Business
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2
604 822 8396

On Oct 4, 2013, at 22:02, "Claudia Loebbecke" <claudia.loebbecke at uni-koeln.de<mailto:claudia.loebbecke at uni-koeln.de>> wrote:

Dear fellow ICIS registrants,

after having finished my ICIS registration, I read

As a condition of admission to this event, attendee hereby irrevocably consents to and authorizes the Association for Information Systems to photograph and record video images of me at this event and to use and publish the same. All negatives, prints and digital files shall be solely the property of the Association for Information Systems."

Is AIS sure that just printing ex-post my never expressed "consent" to non-specialized actions without having asked me ex-ante to consent will hold vis-à-vis relevant law? Who would not click it if you make it (unpleasantly) conditional for registration … (which I am not sure whether it would be legal either -- but: different countries, different laws).

Sorry if I am the only one who wonders …

Best regards -- Claudia

Professor Dr. Claudia Loebbecke, M.B.A.<http://www.mtm.uni-koeln.de/team-loebbecke-home-engl.htm>
MIT Sloan School<mitsloan.mit.edu> / Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)<cisr.mit.edu>, Visiting Scholar Fall 2013
Director, Dept. of Media and Technology Management<http://www.mtm.uni-koeln.de/>
University of Cologne
Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Koeln, Germany
Tel. (Secr.): +49-221-470-5364, Fax: --5300

Association for Information Systems (AIS)<http://www.aisnet.org/>: Fellow 2012<http://start.aisnet.org/?FellowAward>, President 2005-2006<http://home.aisnet.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1121>
Europ. Academy of Sciences<http://www.eurasc.org/>, Academic Council, Head of Division 'Socio-Economic Sciences & Humanities'
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS)<http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/525447/description#description>, Senior Editor
Fulbright Liaison Professor<http://www.fulbright.de/>, University of Cologne

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