[AISWorld] International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) Volume 8, Issue 1 announcement

Fulvio Frati fulvio.frati at unimi.it
Tue Oct 8 04:02:26 EDT 2013

Dear Colleague, 


I am pleased to provide you with the official announcement for International
Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) Volume 8,
Issue 1, January-March 2013. 


Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at 



All inquiries and submissions should be sent to: 

Editor-in-Chief: Ghazi I. Alkhatib at Alkhatib at psut.edu.jo
<mailto:Alkhatib at psut.edu.jo> ;  Ernesto Damiani at ernesto.damiani at unimi.it
<mailto:ernesto.damiani at unimi.it>  




A Graphical Based Approach to the Conceptual Modeling, Validation and
Generation of XML Schema Definitions


Mark B. Dixon (Department of Arts, Environment & Technology, Leeds
Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK)


This paper discusses the research and development of a modeling tool that
provides a graphical approach to the definition, validation and generation
of XML schemas. Although XML has had a ubiquitous web presence for a number
of years the strength of its underlying validation framework is often not
leveraged to its maximum potential. Additionally the design process followed
when developing XML data formats is often rather ad-hoc and driven by
technical requirements of the application rather than a conceptual level
analysis of the problem domain. This work contributes to research knowledge
by proposing and validating a mechanism for allowing non-programmers to
easily visualise and design the rules to which XML documents should comply.
The use of an underlying meta-case platform provides a unique opportunity to
allow highly customisable support and automatic code generation for any
number of schema definition languages, thus providing a test-bed for future
research activities.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



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ACNB: Associative Classification Mining Based on Naïve Bayesian Method


Fadi Odeh (Department of Computer Science, Al-Balqa Applied University,
Salt, Jordan) and Nijad Al-Najdawi (Department of Computer Science, Al-Balqa
Applied University, Salt, Jordan)


Integrating association rule discovery and classification in data mining
brings a new approach known as associative classification. Associative
classification is a promising approach that often constructs more accurate
classification models (classifiers) than the traditional classification
approaches such as decision trees and rule induction. In this research, the
authors investigate the use of associative classification on the high
dimensional data in text categorization. This research focuses on
prediction, a very important step in classification, and introduces a new
prediction method called Associative Classification Mining based on Naïve
Bayesian method. The running time is decreased by removing the ranking
procedure that is usually the first step in ranking the derived
Classification Association Rules. The prediction method is enhanced using
the Naïve Bayesian Algorithm. The results of the experiments demonstrate
high classification accuracy.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



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Performance Evaluation of a Modern Web Architecture


Johan Lundar (School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics,
Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK), Tor-Morten Grønli (Norwegian School of
Information Technology, Oslo, Norway) and Gheorghita Ghinea (School of
Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics, Brunel University, Uxbridge,
UK & Norwegian School of Information Technology, Oslo, Norway)


The past decade has marked a shift in Web development as users have become
accustomed to Web applications with dynamic content and enhanced user
experience. Different languages and technologies have been utilised to make
way for such applications, gradually stretching existing standards and
protocols to its limits. The field of Web development has been characterized
by a lack of coherent architectural concepts, partly due to the absences of
standard protocols that support modern communication styles. As a result of
this, systems specifically designed for real-time data delivery have been
required and realised with proprietary technology in the industry,
consequently violating established software engineering principles such as
modularity, consistency and simplicity. This paper explores how current Web
technologies support the requirements of modern Web applications. A
prototype application was developed in the last phase to demonstrate the
efficacy of combining the WebSocket protocol and API together with the use
of JavaScript as exclusive programming language at the client and server.
Based on the findings of the research carried out it appears that the use of
protocols and standards such as WebSocket, WebSocket API and Server-Sent
Events caters for higher network performance, increased flexibility and
standards compliance.



To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



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Specification of Transactional Requirements for Web Services using


Kanchana Rajaram (SSN College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India), Chitra Babu (SSN College of Engineering, Anna
University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) and Arun Adiththan (City University
of New York (CUNY), New York, USA)


In Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), a business transaction comprises of
several web services provided by multiple enterprises. The transactional
behaviour of individual web services must be considered for service
selection so that the composition of web services results in a reliable
execution. It is difficult for a business analyst to envisage the desired
business policies of a process in terms of transactional properties of the
corresponding service. Hence, an abstract mechanism that enables the
business analyst to specify the transactional properties in a simple manner
must be introduced. Towards this objective, it is proposed to express the
transactional properties in terms of the recoverability of services. The
transactional web services are grouped into different levels of
recoverability based on their recovery cost. The estimated recovery costs
are empirically verified and validated.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



To read a PDF sample of this article, please visit




For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)
in your institution's library.  This journal is also included in the IGI
Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database:





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