[AISWorld] Pre-ICIS Workshop on Openness and Transparency Research (Call for Position Statements)

Feller, Joseph JFeller at afis.ucc.ie
Wed Oct 30 11:15:26 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the TOTO project at University College Cork (http://opennessandtransparency.net/), I am pleased to invite you to join us for a pre-ICIS Workshop on Openness and Transparency Research on Sunday Dec 15, 2013 from 9am – 1pm.

The purpose of this discussion-driven, interactive workshop is to bring together researchers investigating the diverse array of IS–enabled organisational openness and transparency phenomena, to share ideas and experiences and to frame the agenda for future research in these areas.

The workshop is free and open to all ICIS 2013 participants.


Part 1 of the workshop will consist of two hours of discussion "taking stock" of the current state of research across four key areas of open phenomena:

  *   Development & Design:  Free/Libre/Open Source Software, Open Hardware, Open Design (e.g. 3D Printing), Open APIs/'The Programmable Web', and related phenomena.
  *   Knowledge & Scholarship: Open Content, Open Data, Open Access, Open Courseware, Citizen Science, and related phenomena.
  *   Resources & Effort: Crowdfunding, Volunteer Computing, Crowdsourced Microwork, Crowdsourced Information Processing, and related phenomena.
  *   Ideas & Innovation: Open Innovation, Collective Intelligence, Crowdsourced Problem Solving/Ideation, Product/Service Co-creation, and related phenomena.

Part 2 of the workshop will consist of 90 minutes of discussion focused on:

  *   Building a Common Language: Cross-topic discussion focused on forging a common vocabulary of concepts, labels and relationships between open phenomena.
  *   Building a Common Agenda: Cross-topic discussion focused on mapping out the "horizontal" streams of inquiry that will help the global research community pursue a comprehensive and cohesive research agenda across and between the variety of openness and transparency phenomena.

There will be a 30 minute refreshment break between Parts 1 and 2, to catch up with old friends and make some new ones.


To register, please send a concise position statement (maximum 750 words (excluding references)) using the ICIS 2013 paper template to Joseph Feller at jfeller at afis.ucc.ie<mailto:jfeller at afis.ucc.ie>.

The position statements will form the basis for the day's discussion, and should address one (or more) of the phenomena listed in Part 1 above.

The position statements should seek to stimulate the lively exchange of ideas at the workshop by articulating your ideas around the key questions and discussion points regarding:

  *   Areas of Empirical Strength and Weakness: Do we have the right kind of data to understand phenomenon X? What critical data remain uncollected/unexplored? Are we measuring the right things? Etc.
  *   Areas of Methodological Challenge and Opportunity: What are the data sources, data collection methods and data analysis methods that have worked well in the past? What are the sources and methods that have yet to be exploited but should be? Etc.
  *   Areas of Analytical Consensus and Discord: Where empirical data are abundant, do we share a common interpretation of what they mean? What are the key areas of agreement/disagreement in our research community? Etc.
  *   Areas of Theoretical Richness and Paucity: What are the theories that shape openness and transparency research? What external theories should we be applying more vigorously? What emergent theories should we seek to create? Etc.

Position statements should be submitted ASAP and no later than Friday Nov 22, 2013.
Position statements will be reviewed as they are received and participants will be notified within 3-5 days after submitting their statements.
All position statements will be published to http://opennessandtransparency.net for participants to read prior to the workshop, where they will remain after the workshop as a resource for the wider community.

We look forward to seeing you in Milan for what we trust will be a provocative and highly productive forum, setting the stage for a great ICIS experience.


Joseph Feller
Director, Technology-Enabled Organizational Transparency and Openness (TOTO)
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland

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