[AISWorld] IS Faculty Opening at Minnesota - Timeline Related

Ravi Bapna rbapna at umn.edu
Wed Oct 30 13:09:53 EDT 2013

We wanted to notify applicants that while our application deadline is
Dec 20, we will start reviewing applications around the middle of
November. Thus, we encourage applicants to get their packets in
accordingly. The original call is below:

The Department of Information Systems & Decision Sciences in the Carlson
School of Management at the University of Minnesota is seeking
candidates for one full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor OR one
tenured/tenure track Associate Professor position starting Fall 2014.
Applicants must have a strong research program and an earned doctorate
in information systems or a related field with IS competence or
assurance of receiving the doctorate before August 25, 2014.
Responsibilities include carrying out the teaching, research, and
service mission of the department.

The University of Minnesota is well known as one of the founding schools
for the MIS discipline and is home to the Management Information Systems
Research Center, the MIS Quarterly, and the newly created SOBACO (Social
Media and Business Analytics Collaborative), an interdisciplinary research
center with the goal of bringing scientific rigor and expertise in
addressing many of the practical challenges faced by firms and society in
today’s rapidly evolving social and big-data landscape. New faculty hires
will benefit from both SOBACO’s and the MISRC’s research and outreach

Applications must be received online at http://employment.umn.edu
(reference requisition number 186296 for a tenure-track position or
187162 for a tenured position). The requisition provides complete
details of the position.  In addition, submit a cover letter toMISpost
at umn.edu <http://list.informs.org/mailman/listinfo/info-systems-society>
and include the following attachments:  curriculum
vitae; list of courses taught and course evaluations; statement of
research and teaching interests; short dissertation summary; document
listing reference names and e-mail addresses; best three published or
working papers.  Three letters of recommendation are required.

For more information, download a pdf copy of the full position
description and application instructions:

To ensure consideration applications must be received by December 20,
2013, but applications will continue to be accepted until the positions
are filled.

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Ravi Bapna
Board of Overseers Professor of Information and Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(w)  +1 (612) 625 3698
Blog: http://www.magicbazaar.org/
Twitter: @ravibapna

Co-Director, SOBACO
Social Media and Business Analytics Collaborative
University of Minnesotahttp://sobaco.umn.edu
Twitter: @sobaco_umn
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