[AISWorld] CfP for the AMCIS 2014 Mini Track "Cloud ERP Adoption”

Gholami, Roya r.gholami at aston.ac.uk
Fri Dec 13 07:52:41 EST 2013

Call for Papers: 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS
August 7-10, 2014, Savannah, Georgia, USA

Track: Global, International, and Cross Cultural Issues in IS (SIGCCRIS)
Mini Track: Cloud ERP Adoption

Dear Colleagues,​

We welcome papers for the AMCIS 2014 Mini Track "Cloud ERP Adoption”.


The availability and affordability of the Internet, dramatic drop in the bandwidth costs and other technological advancements (3G, FTTH, and WiMAX) have contributed to the emergence of Cloud Computing in general and specialized services such as Cloud ERP in particular (Grabski et al., 2011; Alali and Yeh, 2012). Cloud ERP is particularly suitable for SMEs as it does not require any upfront cost or specialized IT staff for maintenance and upgrading like on-premise ERP systems. For the same reason Cloud ERP is seen as a feasible solution, especially in developing countries.

In the broader area of Cloud Computing, research is largely concentrated on technological issues (Beloglazov et al., 2011), ignoring environmental and organizational implications. There exists limited empirical research on organizational decision to adopt cloud services (Xin and Levina, 2008; Nuseibeh, 2011; Bin-Motalab and Shohag 2011) and particularly in the context of developing countries (Seethamraju, 2013). Since business organizations of emerging economies operate in a different business setting, the enablers and barriers identified in the literature for developed countries might not be applicable in the context of developing countries.

In addition, recent news (Hayden, 2013) about the exposure of cloud services to governmental legislation and surveillance may create additional considerations for decision makers for the use of cloud services or cloud ERP in particular that crosses international border and jurisdictions. The minitrack welcomes both empirical and conceptual research on Cloud ERP adoption and use. The minitrack is open to methodological approaches and perspectives.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Cross-country studies on ERP cloud adoption and use
• Performance or global/international benchmarking studies
• Impact of governmental legislation and surveillance on decision makers for adoption and use of cloud ERP

For more information please visit the AMCIS 2014 website: http://amcis2014.aisnet.org/

Mini track chairs:
Roya Gholami and Andreas Schroeder
Operations & Information Management Group
Aston Business School

Alali, F. A. and C-L. Yeh (2012). Cloud Computing: Overview and Risk Analysis. Journal of Information Systems 26 (2): 13-33.
Beloglazov, A., R. Buyya (2011). A taxonomy and survey of energy-efficient data centres and cloud computing systems. Advances in Computers 82(2): 47-111.
Bin-Motalab, M. and S. Shohag (2011). Cloud Computing and the Business Consequences of ERP Use. International Journal of Computer Applications 28: 31-37.
Grabski, S.V., and S.A. Leech (2011). A review of ERP research: A future agenda for accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems 25(1): 37-78.
Hayden, M. (2013) What Edward Snowden did.
Nuseibeh, H. (2011). Adoption of Cloud Computing in Organizations. Proceedings of the Seventeent Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Salim, S. A. (2013). Cloud ERP Adoption-A Process View Approach. PACIS 2013 Proceedings.
Seethamraju, R. (2013). Determinants of SaaS ERP Systems Adoption. PACIS 2013 Proceedings.
Xin, M. and N. Levina (2008). Software-as-a-service model: Elaborating client-side adoption factors. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Information Systems

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