[AISWorld] Invitation for DIPECC2014 - SDWIC conference

Grace Allas grace.sdiwc at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 09:21:44 EST 2013


You are invited to attend or join the proposed conference that will be held
in Dubai University, UAE Branch, UAE from April 10-12, 2014 which aims to
enable researchers build connections between different digital applications.

 Please follow the link below for more information about the said


 The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics

 - Biometrics Technologies

- Cloud Computing

- Cloud Engineering

- Cloud Gaming

-Cloud Security

-Computational Intelligence

-Computer Architecture and Design

-Cryptography and Data Protection

-Data Compression

-Data Embedding and Watermarking

-Data Management in Mobile Networks

-Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks

- Distributed and Parallel Applications


-E-Commerce Security



-Embedded Systems and Software

-Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications

-Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems

-Image Processing

-Information Content Security

-Information and Data Management

-Mobile Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity

-Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management

-Multimedia Computing

-Network Security

-Real-Time Systems

-Semantic Web and Ontologies Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and

-User Interface and Usability Issues for Mobile Applications

-User Interfaces, Visualization and Modeling

-Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design

-Web Services Security

-Wireless Communications

-Wireless Sensor Networks

 Important Dates


Submission Deadline:     March 10, 2014

Notification of Acceptance:         March 20, 2014 or 10 days from the
submission date

Camera Ready Submission:         March 31, 2014

Registration Deadline:   March 31, 2014

Conference Dates:                          April 10-12, 2014


 Thank you.



grace.sdiwc at gmail.com
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