[AISWorld] Journal of Database Management (JDM) -- Volume 24, Issue 2, 2013

Siau, Keng L. siauk at mst.edu
Sat Dec 14 21:13:25 EST 2013

The contents of the latest issue of:

Journal of Database Management (JDM)

Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Volume 24, Issue 2, April - June 2013

Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically

ISSN: 1063-8016 EISSN: 1533-8010

Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA


Editor-in-Chief: Keng Siau, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA


Modeling Data for Enterprise Systems with Memories

Tamara Babaian (Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA)

Wendy Lucas (Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are widely used but notoriously difficult to learn and master. The authors propose that a database approach to representing the system's tasks, interface components, and usage logs in conjunction with the ERP domain data can serve as a foundation for improving system usability. The framework the authors designed supports automatic logging of user-system interactions and automated analysis of the logged data for enabling a variety of interface enhancements and assessments that can be performed dynamically by the system. Compared to existing work on usage logging, the authors' framework expands the logging capabilities of ERP systems while providing a unifying basis for many different kinds of applications of log data.

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Cross-Correlation Measure for Mining Spatio-Temporal Patterns

James Ma (Hasan School of Business, Colorado State University, Pueblo, CO, USA)

Daniel Zeng (State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China & Department of MIS, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA)

Huimin Zhao (Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA)

Chunyang Liu (National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center of China, Beijing, China)

Spatio-temporal data mining is finding applications in many domains, such as public health, public safety, financial fraud detection, transportation, and product lifecycle management. Correlation analysis is an important spatio-temporal mining technique for unveiling spatial and temporal relationships among multiple event types. This paper presents a new measure for assessing and analyzing spatio-temporal cross-correlations. This measure extends Ripley's a widely used measure of spatial correlation, with an additional temporal dimension. Empirical studies using real-world data show that the new measure can lead to a more discriminating and flexible spatio-temporal data analysis framework. In contrast with its predecessor, this measure also allows the discovery of leading (and potentially causal) event types whose occurrences precede those of other event types. Findings from analyses employing this measure may bear important managerial implications.

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Investigating Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Business Processes

Geert Poels (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium)

Ken Decreus (Deloitte Consulting, Diegem, Belgium)

Ben Roelens (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium)

Monique Snoeck (Faculty of Economics and Business, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)

Business processes are designed to execute strategies that aim at achieving organisational goals. During the last decade, several methods have been proposed that prescribe the use of goal-oriented requirements engineering techniques for supporting different business process management activities, in particular business process modelling. The integration of goal modelling and business process modelling aims at increasing the alignment between business strategies and the processes with their supporting IT systems. This new research area, which the authors call Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Business Processes (GORE-for-BP), is developing rapidly, but without a clear conceptualization of the focus and scope of the proposed GORE-for-BP methods. Furthermore, an overview is lacking of which methods exist and what their level of maturity is. This paper therefore presents a research review of the GORE-for-BP area, with the aim of identifying relevant methods and assessing their focus, scope, and maturity. This study used Systematic Literature Review and Method Meta-Modelling as research methods to identify and evaluate the state of the GORE-for-BP research area and to propose a research agenda for directing future research in the area. Nineteen methods were identified, which is an indication of an active research area. Although some similarities were found with respect to how goal models are transformed into business process models (or vice-versa), there is also considerable divergence in modelling languages used and the extent of coverage of typical requirements engineering and business process management lifecycle phases. Furthermore, the exploitation of requirements engineering techniques in the full business process management lifecycle is currently under researched. Also, the maturity of the methods found in terms of the formalisation of the transformation activity, the elaboration of method guidelines, and the extent to which methods are validated, can be further improved.

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Mission of JDM:

The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes original research on all aspects of database management, systems analysis and design, and software engineering. The primary mission of JDM is to be instrumental in the improvement and development of theory and practice related to information technology and management of information resources. The journal is targeted at both academic researchers and practicing IT professionals.

Coverage of JDM:

The Journal of Database Management (JDM) publishes three types of rigorous and high quality articles: research articles, research notes, and research reviews. Research articles are full innovative findings that make substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to knowledge in the field by using various theoretical and methodological approaches. Research notes are novel and complete but not as comprehensive as full research articles; they include exploratory studies and methodological articles. Research reviews are insightful and carefully crafted articles that conceptualize research areas, synthesize previous innovative findings, advance the understanding of the field, and identify and develop future research directions. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts that qualify for any of the three categories.

Topics of interest to the journal include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

*         Agile systems development

*         Bio-informatics

*         Cognitive modeling

*         Component engineering

*         Conceptual modeling

*         Data analytics and data science

*         Data quality

*         Data warehousing and data mining

*         Database for advanced applications

*         Database management and administration

*         Database models and query languages

*         Database security and integrity

*         Design science

*         Domain-driven development

*         E-business and m-commerce models and architectures

*         Empirical software engineering

*         Enterprise systems and supply chain integration

*         Extreme modeling and extreme programming

*         Geographical information systems

*         Human-computer interaction

*         Heterogeneous and distributed database

*         Information and knowledge modeling

*         Intelligent agents and agent-based applications

*         Knowledge engineering and management

*         Method engineering and metamodeling

*         Object oriented methods and methodologies

*         Requirements engineering

*         Service oriented architecture/service oriented computing

*         Semantic Web and ontology

*         Software engineering

*         System analysis and design

*         Unified modeling language and unified process

*         Virtual team and Web 2.0

*         Web database and Web-based information systems

*         Web design methods and methodologies

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Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines

All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief: Keng Siau at jdm at mst.edu

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