[AISWorld] AMCIS 2014 CFP Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America Track LACAIS

Dr. Indira Guzman Indira.Guzman at trident.edu
Mon Jan 6 03:18:43 EST 2014

Call for Papers - Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America Track
AMCIS 2014: 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Savannah, Georgia, USA - August 7-10, 2014

The AMCIS 2014 submissions website is open from January 5, 2014 until March 1, 2014 (11:59 PM EST).

Track Description:
The AMCIS 2014 Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America track promotes IS/IT/MIS research in and about Latin America. Latin America makes up a large part of the Americas and its population speaks primarily Spanish or Portuguese. ACMIS is a conference in English for the Americas.  To bridge this gap, this track opens a space for rigorous and high-quality research that is written in Spanish or Portuguese while also accepting papers in English that bring together IS/IT/MIS research and Latin America.
Any IS/IT/MIS paper that could be accepted in other AMCIS tracks but that it could not be reviewed there because it is written in Spanish or Portuguese is a reasonable submission for this Track. Additionally, papers written in English that specifically study Latin America are also welcome here.
Accepted papers will be published in the language they were submitted (papers in Spanish or Portuguese will also include a copy of the title and abstract in English). Presentations can be made in English, Spanish, or Portuguese at the authors' discretion.

MIS/IT/IS in Latin America Minitrack, Carlos Ferran, Governors State University, cferran at govst.edu
The AMCIS 2014 Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America track promotes IS/IT/MIS research in and about Latin America. Latin America makes up a large part of the Americas and its population speaks primarily Spanish or Portuguese. AMCIS is a conference in English for the Americas. To bridge this gap, this track opens a space for rigorous and high-quality research that is written in Spanish or Portuguese while also accepting papers in English that bring together IS/IT/MIS research and Latin America. Any IS/IT/MIS paper written in English that relates to Latin America is a reasonable submission for this Mini-Track.

Portuguese Minitrack, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana, alexandra.cunha at pucpr.br 
A América Latina corresponde a uma grande parte do continente e a sua população fala, principalmente, espanhol ou português. A AMCIS é uma conferência em inglês para as Américas. Este mini-track possibilita a submissão de artigos de alta qualidade e rigor científico sobre IS/IT/MIS escritos em português, com o intuito de facilitar o ingresso de pesquisadores brasileiros ou de outros países lusófonos nesta comunidade acadêmica.

Spanish Minitrack, Indira Guzman, Trident University International, indira.guzman at trident.edu 
La Conferencia de Sistemas de Información de las Americas (AMCIS) promueve investigación cientifica y rigorosa sobre Sistemas de Información (SI), Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) y Gestión de los Sistemas de Información (GIS) conducida en y sobre America Latina. America Latina conforma una gran parte del continente cuya población habla principalmente español o portugues. Siendo AMCIS una conferencia en Inglés para las Américas este track de AMCIS abre un  espacio para el la diseminación de trabajos científicos en español o portugués, además de aceptar manuscritos en Inglés que combinan investigación sobre SI, TIC, GIS y América Latina.
Cualquier manuscrito sobre SI, TIC o GIS que podría ser aceptado en alguno de las tracks de AMCIS pero que está escrito en Español representa una presentación razonable para este track. Los trabajos aceptados serán publicados en español, pero también se incluirá una copia del título y del resumen en inglés. Las presentaciones en la conferencia pueden realizarse en inglés o español dependiendo del criterio de los autores.

Track Co-Chairs: 
-	Carlos Ferran, Governors State University,  cferran at govst.edu - English mini-track
-	Indira Guzman, Trident University International, Indira.Guzman at trident.edu - Spanish mini-track
-	Maria Alexandra Cunha, Pontificia Univesidade Catolica do Parana, alexandra.cunha at pucpr.br - Portuguese mini-track

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