[AISWorld] PLS Applications Symposium; 30 May - 1 June 2014; Montreal, Canada (Abstract submissions accepted until 1 February 2014)

Ned Kock nedkock at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 11:32:11 EST 2014

PLS Applications Symposium; 30 May - 1 June 2014; Montreal, Canada 

(Abstract submissions accepted until 1 February 2014)


*** Only abstracts are needed for the submissions ***


The partial least squares (PLS) method has increasingly been used in a
variety of fields of research and practice, particularly in the context of
PLS-based structural equation modeling (SEM).


As an emerging method, its users often face challenges in successfully
publishing PLS-based research, hence the theme of this year's Symposium:
Successfully publishing PLS-based research.


The focus of this Symposium is on the application of PLS-based methods, from
a multidisciplinary perspective. For types of submissions, deadlines, and
other details, please visit the Symposium's web site:





Ned Kock and Pierre Hadaya

Symposium Co-Chairs



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