[AISWorld] AISWorld Digest, Vol 622, Issue 1

Eberhard Brockmann eberhardbrockmann at yahoo.de
Tue Jan 21 04:45:47 EST 2014

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Eberhard Brockmann

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Today's Topics:

   1. CALL FOR PAPERS: PACIS 2014 Supply Chain Innovation and
      Management Track - Chengdu, China, June 24-28, 2014 (Hsin-Lu Chang)
   2. SCIUX UPCOMING SHORT COURSE: Introduction to Information
      Architecture 26 February (Jose Abdelnour-Nocera)
   3. Remove from list - bhh_runner at yahoo.com (Brian Healy)
   4. CFP: Information and Management special issue on social    media
      Analytics (Patrick Fan)
   5. Int. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing  |  Special
      Issue on ?Ubiquitous and Cloud Enterprise for Manufacturing?
      (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha)
   6. IUI 2014 ? Call for Student Support (Tintarev, N)
   7. Assistant or associate professor of IT position at
      UW-Whitewater (Ambrose, Paul)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 11:20:17 +0800
From: Hsin-Lu Chang <hlchang at nccu.edu.tw>
To: AISWorld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS: PACIS 2014 Supply Chain
    Innovation and Management Track - Chengdu, China, June 24-28, 2014
    <CAGRC=vet0qgmc1OB35CJhcdvhu-g1-yoGwQXpO2uEWFp5cZ=mA at mail.gmail.com>
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*Supply Chain Innovation and Management Track*

Track Description:

Information technology (IT) has been recognized as an important enabler for
supply chain innovations. The legendary story of how Walmart and Proctor &
Gamble Company (P&G) use IT to enable continuous planning, forecasting, and
replenishment (CPFR), helping propel Walmart to retail dominance is well
understood. More recently, we have witnessed emerging ITs create new ways
to manage supply chain operations as well as to collaborate with supply
chain partners. Cloud technology, for example, enables companies to build a
?plug-and-play? connectivity of trading partners. Such cloud-based
community of trading partners can provide the foundation to drive business
intelligence in terms of visibility and event management, and thus
significantly transform supply chain performance (CIO Magazine, June 2013).
The Internet of Things (IoT) is another emerging IT that has great
potential for improving supply chain management. IoT-based solutions
enables data automatically collected from ubiquitous sensors, minimizing
the efforts to manage supply chains such as monitoring suppliers? and
customers? transactions, tracking the progress of shipment, and alerting
the demand and inventory levels. In addition, service-oriented architecture
(SOA), a business- driven IT architectural approach, is designed to speed
up new application development by providing repeatable component business
services. This approach gives supply chain managers new capabilities in
terms of flexibility and responsiveness. It also enhances electronic
integration and coordination of supply chain partners, improving visibility
throughout the entire supply chain.

Given the conference theme ?IT ubiquitous and collaborative innovation,? we
believe IT advances in cloud computing, ubiquitous computing, service
computing, to name a few, are the meta-forces for supply chain innovation.
Furthermore, the continuous IT growth shifts the dominant thinking of
supply chain management toward the concepts of service, value co-creation,
value networks, service propositions, market orientation, service
ecosystem, and learning. This track seeks high-quality research that
attempts to advance theory and application of IT in supply chain innovation
using any research approach (action research, experimental, grounded
theory, design science, case studies, survey research, theory development,
prototyping, methodology development, etc.). Below can be seen a list of
the examples, but not limit to, of possible topics:

-        Theories used in IT-enabled supply chain innovation

-        B2B business models and analysis

-        Multi-channel integration

-        Service-oriented supply chain management

-        Ubiquitous supply chain management

-        Big Data, social media, and mobile computing applications to B2B
and supply-chain innovation

-        The impact of new technologies such as RFID, the Internet of
things and 3-D printing to supply chains

-        IT-enabled supply chain agility, visibility, responsiveness

-        Demand-driven supply chain management

-        Cloud-based supply chain collaboration

-        Value co-creation in supply chain innovation

-        IT capability profile for supply chain innovation

-        Governance in IT-enabled supply chain innovation

-        Success and failure of IT-enabled supply chain innovation

-        Best practices in IT-enabled supply chain innovation

-        Industries specific issues in computer, smart-phone, healthcare,
and eGrocery supply chains

-        Methodologies used in IT-enabled supply chain innovation

*Submission guideline can be found in *http://pacis2014.org/initial.php

*Submission Website: *h<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pacis2014>

*Important Dates:*

*Submission Deadline: March 3, 2014*

*Acceptance Notification: April 20, 2014*

*Final Version Due: May 1, 2014*


Track Co-Chairs

Dr. Hsin-Lu Chang (hlchang at nccu.edu.tw)

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi
University, Taipei, Taiwan

Dr. Michael J. Shaw (mjshaw at illinois.edu)

Professor of Business Administration and Leonard C. and Mary Lou Hoeft
Chair of Information Systems, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 14:34:33 +0000
From: Jose Abdelnour-Nocera <Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera at uwl.ac.uk>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] SCIUX UPCOMING SHORT COURSE: Introduction to
    Information Architecture 26 February
    <878876C400B21C4288AB15C6EC7A064B405F9A3EEF at SMRMBX01.dir.uni>
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SCIUX at The University of West London is pleased to announce a vibrant and innovative short courses programme for practitioners and graduates with an interest in any aspect of user experience.  SCIUX courses are delivered by a recognised team of practitioners and researchers in various aspects of user experience professional practice.

Introduction to Information Architecture 26 February


Aims of Short Course
Why is it easy to find information in some digital information environments, but difficult in others? Why do some websites make navigation easy, while others disorient us until we eventually get lost? A good information architecture can help ensure that digital information environments are easy to navigate, well-labelled and well-organised. It can also help ensure that they are usable and effective in meeting business objectives. 

Information architecture involves the development of schemes to support the organisation and labelling of digital assets. It also involves the structural design of digital information environments to support users in finding and navigating those assets. 

This 1-day course describes the purpose and value of IA across different platforms and environments (websites, mobile apps, Intranets, digital libraries) and outlines the important elements of an effective information architecture. It focuses on the development of practical skills in capturing IA requirements, designing IA solutions and in the user-centred evaluation of digital information environments.
On completion of this short course you will receive an Attendance certificate awarded by the University of West London.

Tutor Bios
Tony Russell-Rose is founder and director of UXLabs, a research and design consultancy specialising in complex search and information access applications. Before founding UXLabs he was head of User Experience at Endeca and editor of the Endeca UI Design Pattern Library, an online resource dedicated to best practice in the design of search and discovery experiences. Prior to this he was technical lead at Reuters, specialising in advanced user interfaces for information access and search. And before Reuters he was R&D manager at Canon Research Centre Europe, where he led a team developing next generation information access products and services. His academic qualifications include a PhD in artificial intelligence, an MSc in cognitive psychology and a first degree in engineering, majoring in human factors. He have published some 70+ scientific papers on search, user experience and text analytics, and is co-author of "Designing the Search Experience: the
 Information Architecture of Discovery", published by Elsevier in 2012. For more information, see http://isquared.wordpress.com or follow him on Twitter (@tonygrr).  

Stephann Makri is a lecturer in Information Architecture at City University London, with research interests spanning over a decade in understanding and designing to support users' information-seeking and use behaviour. He believes that organising and structuring digital information so that people can find the information they need and find it easily is paramount for business success. Stephann has been invited to give guest lectures at several universities within the UK and worldwide, including the University of Limerick, Columbia University and Western University (Ontario). For more information, see www.stephann.com or follow him on Twitter (@StephannMakri).

Course Detail
The 1 day course will cover the following:
.    Purpose and value of Information Architecture
.    Capturing Information Architecture requirements (including domain/concept models)
.    Organising and labelling information (including sitemaps and card sorting)
.    Supporting navigation through search and browse (including producing wireframes)
.    Evaluating Information Architectures  

All courses include refreshments, lunch and course materials.  An Attendance Certificate will be given on completion of each course.

Other upcoming courses

Intro to Service Design                28-29 January 2014

User Experience and Internationalisation    07-09 March 2014

If you have an interest in these later courses please send us an email to register an interest.

More info about SCIUX lab and training: http://uwl.ac.uk/ux

Our blog with detailed project info and profiles: https://soc.uwl.ac.uk/~sciux/

Follow us in Twitter!  @sciux_uwl

Dr. Jos? Abdelnour Nocera
Reader in Sociotechnical Design
Institute for Practice and Interdisciplinary Research (INSPIRE)
Head of Sociotechnical Centre for Internationalisation and User Experience
University of West London
St Mary's Road, Ealing - London W5 5RF

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 09:49:30 -0500
From: Brian Healy <bhh_runner at yahoo.com>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Remove from list - bhh_runner at yahoo.com
Message-ID: <924CA7E2-C2E8-4483-BE1D-F95E1DF87F58 at yahoo.com>
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Please remove me from this list.  Thanks.

Bhh_runner at yahoo.com


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 10:15:03 -0500
From: Patrick Fan <wfan at vt.edu>
To: aisworld <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Information and Management special issue on
    social    media Analytics
    <CAHsqpN4+HWk-n6tQ+5ki0XTNnH3PoeA6VahgCcpCDW+pfZqXVA at mail.gmail.com>
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*Information and Management*

Special issue on* Social Media Analytics*

*Guest Editors*:


   Weiguo (Patrick) Fan (Virginia Tech, USA), wfan at vt.edu

   Xiangbin Yan (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), xbyan at hit.edu.cn

*Call for papers*

Online social platforms e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Weibo, discussion
forums have developed into a virtual world where users and firms share
content related to their real lives, works, and various facets of the real
world. The explosion of social media usage has resulted in massive user
generated contents (UGCs), including  media contents, user information and
their interactions on social networks, geo-locations, and many other
metadata. These UGCs have created numerous new research opportunities and

Social media analytics is concerned with developing and evaluating
informatics tools and frameworks to collect, monitor, analyze, summarize,
and visualize social media data to facilitate conversations and
interactions to extract useful patterns and intelligence (Zeng et al. 2010).
Social media analytics generally involve three stage processes: capture,
understand, and present (Fan and Gordon, 2014). Recently, more and more
research efforts have been dedicated to key issues therein, such as
analytics and learning techniques for understanding social media, social
media analytics tools and systems, knowledge mining from social media, as
well as social network modeling, etc.

This special issue seeks contributions reporting novel solutions, models,
theories, or systems regarding social media analytics. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:


   Understanding social content and dynamics

   Understanding firm usage of social media

   Efficient learning algorithms for scalable social media analytics

   Social network modeling using social media data

   Machine learning and data mining for social media

   User interests and behavior modeling in social media

   Tagging, semantic annotation, object and event recognition on
   large-scale social media collections

   Novel data processing to remove noise and extract useful signals

   Effective search mechanism  in large-scale social media collections

   Novel business applications and value discovery using social media

*All submissions are required to be done via I&M online submission systems.

Author guidelines are available from
Please indicate in your cover letter that this is a special issue
submission on social media analytics.  All submissions will go through an
initial screening by guest editors. Only quality submissions will go
through the review process.

*Key Dates:*

Online system open for submission:        July 1st to Sept 1st, 2014

First submission paper due:                     Sept 1st, 2014

First round decision made:                       Dec. 1st, 2014

Revised manuscript due:                         March 1st, 2015

Final decision made:                                May 1st, 2015

Final paper due:                                       July 1st, 2015

*Key references:*

*Overview of SMA*


   D. Zeng, H. Chen, R. Lusch, & S-H Li, "Social media analytics and
   intelligence", IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25(6), 2010.

   W. Fan, M. D. Gordon, "Unveiling the power of social media analytics",
   Communications of ACM, forthcoming, 2014. Preprint available at

*Applications of SMA*


   A. S. Abrahams, J. Jiao, W. Fan, G. A. Wang, Z. Zhang, "What is buzzing
   in the blizzard of buzz: automotive component isolation in social media
   postings", *Decision Support Systems*, 55(4), 871-882, 2013.

   G. A. Wang, J. Jiao, A. S. Abrahams, W. Fan, Z. Zhang, "ExpertRank: A
   topic-aware expert finding algorithm for online knowledge
communities", *Decision
   Support Systems*, 54(3), 1442-1451, 2013.

   A. S. Abrahams, J. Jiao, G. A. Wang, W. Fan, "Vehicle defect discovery
   from social media", Decision Support Systems, 54(1): 87-97, 2012.

*About Information and Management*

Information & Management is a premier journal in information systems area.
It serves researchers in the information systems field and managers,
professionals, administrators and senior executives of organizations which
design, implement and manage Information Systems Applications.

The major aims are:

? To collect and disseminate information on new and advanced developments
in the field of information systems;

? To provide material for training and education in information systems;

? To encourage further progress in information systems methodology and

? To cover the range of information system development and usage in their
use of managerial policies, strategies, and activities for business, public
administration, and international organizations.

*5-year impact factor 3.178*

More information about the journal can be found at


Weiguo (Patrick) Fan, Ph.D.
L. Mahlon Harrell Fellow
Director, Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics (CBIA)

Professor of Accounting and Information Systems

Professor of Computer Science (courtesy)

Virginia Tech

3007 Pamplin Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061


Tel: 540-231-6588 (O) Fax: 540-231-2511

Google Voice: 540-315-1168
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:17:51 +0000
From: Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha <mcunha at ipca.pt>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>, <irma-l at irma-international.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Int. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
    |  Special Issue on ?Ubiquitous and Cloud Enterprise for
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Message: 6
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:44:25 +0000
From: "Tintarev, N" <n.tintarev at abdn.ac.uk>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] IUI 2014 ? Call for Student Support
Message-ID: <CF030EEB.FCBB%csc284 at abdn.ac.uk>
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IUI 2014 - Call for Student Support

Following the tradition of IUI in previous years, we will offer student participation support in the 2014 IUI conference. The support is provided by SIGART and the NSF to attend the IUI Conference. This support is in the form of a small stipend to cover registration fee and partially cover the costs of travel and living expenses while attending the conference. The students will be reimbursed for their expenses after the conference.

The objective of IUI's student support is to encourage students interested in subjects related to Intelligent User Interfaces to become active members of the IUI community. To apply, the student should be actively enrolled as a student in an academic institution. Priority will be given to students who are first authors of accepted papers and to participants in the doctoral consortium. Recipients of the stipend are also expected to help the conference organization as student volunteers. The level of support will be determined by the availability of funds and the number of eligible applications.

The application should include:

?       Full name.

?       Email address.

?       The school you are attending, your major, and the country in which the school resides.

?       If you present at the conference, please provide the title of the submission and its type (e.g., research paper, doctoral consortium, demo).

?       A short statement describing your research interests and how you wish to benefit from attending IUI 2014.

?       The location you are flying from and the cost for your airfare, as determined by the availability of low-cost economy fares for travel to Haifa, Israel in February 2014. Please describe any other expenses you expect to accrue, but do not include registration and housing costs, as they are similar for all students.

?       A letter of recommendation from your advisor is desirable, but not necessary.

Please submit your application to the local organization chairs via e-mail (localarrangementschair2014 at iuiconf.org<mailto:localarrangementschair2014 at iuiconf.org>) by January 20th 2014. Your application will be reviewed by the IUI Student Committee. Notification will be given by January 30th, 2014.
The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
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Message: 7
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 17:25:49 +0000
From: "Ambrose, Paul" <ambrosep at uww.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Assistant or associate professor of IT position at
Message-ID: <CF02B83C.B34A%ambrosep at uww.edu>
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The Department of Information Technology and Supply Chain Management at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is anticipating a full-time tenure track faculty opening starting Fall 2014 contingent on budgetary approvals.  The hired candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Information Technology and Information Systems areas. The candidates should have the ability and desire to teach a combination business analytics and Information Systems courses.  Successful candidates must demonstrate their potential to be outstanding teachers, productive researchers, and active contributors of professional, university, and community service. Promotion will be based on a balanced commitment to teaching, research and service.  Opportunities for reduced teaching load, summer support, online teaching, doctoral program involvement, and travel support exist; grant writing will also be rewarded.

Interested persons should send of a letter of application, vita, three letters of recommendation, and copies of graduate transcripts to:
Dr. Paul Ambrose, Department Chair
Information Technology and Supply Chain Management (HH3301)
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
+1 (262) 472-4816 ITSCM at uww.edu

Deadline for application is February 24, 2014. See full announcement at http://www.uww.edu/employment/jobs/Full_Time_Tenure_Tra.html
UW-Whitewater is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Paul Ambrose, Ph.D.,
Department Chair, IT & Supply Chain Management
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
(262) 472-4816 (Direct)  Hyland 3301C
(262) 472-1322 (Dept)  Hyland 3301


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