[AISWorld] Fwd: AMCIS 2014 Minitrack Call for Papers: IT-Enabled Agility and Firm Innovation

John Dong jqdong at jqdong.com
Mon Feb 3 11:09:20 EST 2014

*Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2014*
*Minitrack: IT-Enabled Agility and Firm Innovation*

Savannah, Georgia
August 7-10, 2014

Minitrack co-chairs:
*Prasanna Karhade, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong
*John Qi Dong, University of Groningen, The Netherlands*

Contemporary firms need to respond and adapt to the turbulent environment
through various innovations, such as new products, new business processes,
and new forms of organization. Agility has long been recognized as vital to
creating these innovations. It is particularly important for firms
operating in the industries with high clockspeed to cope with the
environmental dynamism with these innovations. As today's firms
increasingly rely on information technology (IT) to develop agility and
innovation, this minitrack explores the area on IT, agility, and firm

How does IT enable different dynamic capabilities and organizational
agility in innovation activity? What innovation outcomes are derived from
IT-enabled agility? How do firms benefit from these innovation outcomes?
What are the costs or risks associated with IT-enabled agility building and
innovation development? How does environmental characteristics influence
the innovation performance of IT-enabled agility?

All studies including conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative research
investigating IT, agility and innovation are welcome. Topics for this
minitack include but are not limited to the following:

·         1. IT and dynamic capabilities

·         2. IT-enabled agility and new product development

·         3. IT and business process reengineering

·         4. IT, organizational flexibility and business model

·         5. Digital options and entrepreneurial actions

·         6. Virtual organization and open innovation

·         7. IT, boundary spanning and co-innovation with partners

·         8. Social media and crowdsourcing

·         9. Environmental impact on IT-enabled agility and innovation
All submissions are to be made via the AMCIS 2014 submission system at
ManuscriptCentral <http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2014>. When
submitting online, select 1. track "IT Enabled Organizational Agility" and
then 2. minitrack "IT-Enabled Agility and Firm Innovation", as well as a
paper type (completed research paper, research-in-progress paper, or panel

The submission deadline is *March 1, 2014*. *No submissions will be
accepted after midnight, Savannah (EST) time, March 1, 2014.* Authors will
be notified as to whether their submission was accepted, conditionally
accepted, or rejected by *April 4, 2014*.
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