[AISWorld] Update IUI'14 program: Social

Tintarev, N n.tintarev at abdn.ac.uk
Thu Feb 6 10:06:13 EST 2014

For those of you attending IUI this year,  a quick update on the IUI social program (the full program is also on the website) to help you plan your trip.

  *   There will be IUI 2014 "get together" early evening on the 23rd of February at the Dan Carmel hotel
  *   On the 24th, the social event will include a walking tour through old Acco + a dinner at a local restaurant at Acco promenade. There will be IUI 2014 (modest) welcome reception at the Dan Carmel hotel after the walking tour.

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
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