[AISWorld] CFP: Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Special Issue on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Nabeel Al-Qirim Nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae
Mon Feb 17 04:30:37 EST 2014

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Australasian Journal of Information Systems

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Special Issue

Australasian Journal of Information Systems
AJIS publishes high quality contributions to theory and practice in the global IS discipline. It is particularly interested in IS knowledge drawn from or applied to Australasia and in the Asia-Pacific region. The journal welcomes submissions on research and conceptual development based on a wide range of inquiry methods, ways of thinking and modes of expression. AJIS is ranked “A” by the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS) and Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). It is one of two open access “A” journals ranked by ACPHIS, offering potential for papers to be widely accessible and citable.

Overview of the special issue
There has been a long tradition in the IS academic community, within Australasia but also globally, to research on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and IS. SMEs have been of interest to many researchers because SMEs are considered different to large organisations in such areas as motives for being in business, heterogeneity with respect to their IS and management capabilities, and flexibility due to their often flat structures and small numbers of employees. Additionally, SMEs are of interest because as a group they make a significant contribution to the GDP of many national economies globally.

This has led to a saturation of research concerning the factors which hinder or enable SMEs to adopt various IS such as computers, productivity software, websites and e-business, enterprise systems, social media and, more recently, “green” IT/IS and cloud computing. Location-based studies (e.g. those that examine rural or remote SMEs and IS) have also been prominent.

This special issue will focus on IS research which moves beyond SME adoption factors to explore topics that can still examine issues such as those above, but additionally provide new contributions to theory and practice:
§ arising from critical analyses of prior IS literature on SMEs (e.g. topics neglected, issues with the use of theory, etc) and resulting in future research agendas;
§ relating to interventions helping SMEs to consider, plan for, adopt, implement, exploit or resist IS;
§ concerning a non-technocentric view which considers negative aspects of IS for SMEs;
§ associated with interactions between SMEs and external parties (e.g. IS vendors/consultants);
§ relating to novel forms or uses of IS peculiar to particular types of SMEs or SME contexts;
§ concerning how to make better conceptual sense of the interrelationships between SMEs and IS;
§ relating to types of SMEs under-represented in IS literature such as not-for-profits (e.g. sporting clubs, community houses) or those in specific industry sectors (e.g. cultural SMEs, personal service SMEs).

Important dates
The special issue editors welcome extended abstracts from authors wanting to see if their paper is suitable for the special issue. Authors who wish to can email abstracts to the editors directly (see details below).
§ Submission deadline for papers (see submission instructions below) - 30th June, 2014
§ Notification of desk rejections - end of July, 2014
§ Notification of paper acceptance decision after double-blind review - end of September, 2014
§ Submission deadline for final versions of accepted papers - end of October, 2014
§ Publication of accepted papers - December issue of AJIS, 2014

Paper submission instructions
All papers must be submitted via the AJIS online system (http://dl.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis) and meet theAJIS submission requirements specified at this site.

Special issue editors
§ Nabeel Al-Qirim, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates, nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae
§ Stephen Burgess, Victoria University, Australia, Stephen.Burgess at vu.edu.au
§ Craig M. Parker, Deakin University, Australia, craig.parker at deakin.edu.au


Nabeel Al-Qirim, PhD
Associate Professor

College of Information Technology
United Arab Emirates University
P.O Box 15551 - Al Ain
United Arab Emirates

[UAEU Logo]

Tel: +971-3-7135531        Mobile: +971-507308705
Fax: +971-3-7672018       Email: nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae<mailto:nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae>
Website: http://nalqirim.wix.com/nabeel-al-qirim

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