[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems

Namho Chung nhchung at khu.ac.kr
Mon Feb 17 00:47:38 EST 2014

Dear Colleagues,
The Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS: www.apjis.or.kr), a peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for its upcoming issues as well as special issues.
- What APJIS is a about

The Korea Society of Management Information Systems (KMIS) has been publishing the APJIS (ISSN: 2288-5404; e-ISSN:2288-6818) since the year 1990 and has successfully made it a flagship journal in the information systems field in Korea.
- Gain global exposure with open access publishing

* Open Access: Our journal is accessible online for free and has a larger audience. 

* Full Peer Review: All manuscripts submitted to our journal undergo peer review.
- Why Publish in APJIS

* No Submission and Publication Fees: There is no fee for all English papers submitted to APJIS. 

* Best Paper Award: For each issue, the editorial committee will select one outstanding paper and award prizes of $1000 with a certificate.

* Fast Review Cycle: The first review round will be completed within around one month.
- Special Issues currently going on

2015. Issue 1 (March): IT in Tourism 

2015. Issue 2 (June): Social Media for Biz and Society 

2015. Issue 3 (September): KM and BI 

2015. Issue 4 (December): e-WOM and User Generated Content
If you are interested in the special issues, you can find more information at:http://www.apjis.or.kr/common/sub/s.asp
★ Submission ★

Please submit your papers to APJIS (apjis at kmis.or.kr). If you have any questions, please free to email me at isjnlee at korea.ac.kr.
Kind regards,

Jae-Nam Lee 

Korea University Business School
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