[AISWorld] Invitation to participate in KIN Summer School 2014 Amsterdam

Huysman, M.H. m.h.huysman at vu.nl
Fri Feb 21 08:03:06 EST 2014

Dear colleagues,
We kindly invite early career researchers (PhD candidates, post doctoral researchers and junior faculty) to participate in the 4th KIN Summer School to be held in Amsterdam, June 29 - July 2, 2014.
This Summer School is organized by the KIN Research Group of the VU University Amsterdam (www.kinresearch.nl<http://www.kinresearch.nl>) together with the Amsterdam Business Research Institute (ABRI). During 4 intensive days participants and faculty will discuss research in the field of IT, Knowledge and Innovation. The teaching faculty consists of an international group of professors, known for their research in the field: Samer Faraj (McGill University, Canada), Raghu Garud (Penn State University, USA), Davide Nicolini (Warwick Business School, UK), Hans Berends and Marleen Huysman (KIN Research, VU University Amsterdam).

Participants will engage in intensive sessions with faculty focusing on recent theoretical and methodological advances and are asked to be well prepared; a list of 15 - 20 will be sent upon acceptance. The format provides ample opportunity to discuss related topics such as process and practice based research methods, reviewing and getting published. In small groups we will also discuss participants' own work in progress.
Deadline for applications is May 1st, 2014.
For further information please visit the ABRI website www.abri.vu.nl/en/events/courses-and-workshops/kin/index.asp<http://www.abri.vu.nl/en/events/courses-and-workshops/kin/index.asp> or contact ABRI's Program Manager, Katie Stephenson (K.A.Stephenson at VU.NL<mailto:K.A.Stephenson at VU.NL>)
Best regards,
Marleen Huysman
Professor of Knowledge & Organization
Dlsepartment of Economics and Business Administration
VU University Amsterdam

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