[AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2014, Mini-Track "Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities"

Ulrich Bretschneider Dr. bretschneider at uni-kassel.de
Sat Feb 22 05:30:08 EST 2014

=================== sorry for any cross-postings 
Mini-Track "Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities" 
20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 
August 7-10, 2014, Savannah, Georgia, USA 
AMCIS 2014 website http://amcis2014.aisnet.org/ 
Mini-Track website http://www.virtual-community.org 

=== SCOPE === 
Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities (VCC) have emerged as high activity 
domains on the Internet. VCC are designed for a variety of purposes, 
ranging from VCC for Creation (Wikipedia), for Work (TopCoder, odesk), or 
for Funding (Sell-a-Band, Kickstarter, etc.). The significance of these 
communities is evident by the impact they have on information and content 
generation as well as transmission, and socialization. For example, today, 
Wikipedia is quickly becoming a primary source of information in a variety 
of domains. Crowdsourcing is also becoming more and more attractive for 
firms. By practicing Crowdsourcing firms tend to get access to services, 
ideas, or content from a large group of people via VCC. In this vein, 
firms’ traditional Make-Or-Buy decisions turn to the management and 
integration of globally distributed resources. For example, firms source 
the generation of innovations or the work on tasks through VCC as the 
examples of Dell’s Ideastorm or Amazon’s Mechanical Turk illustrate. 
Within the field of IS researchers are interested in studying interaction 
patterns, social structures, transaction processes, management aspects, 
business models, and design aspects of information systems and services 
for VCC. Other related issues are trust, network effects as well as 
transaction costs. Also, the operational mechanisms of VCC are of interest 
to practice. In this vein, research that unlocks the value of "Wisdom of 
Crowds" or "Collective Intelligence" can be very insightful. 

Despite the increasing popularity of VCC, several questions relating to 
VCC remain largely unexplored. We call for papers on all aspects of VCC. 
We welcome empirical, conceptual and theoretical work. Possible topics 
include (but are not limited to): 

* Social, political and economic impact of VCC 
* Community models, platforms, services, and interactions in VCC 
* Management of VCC 
* VCC-related business models 
* Innovation and content generation in VCC 
* Collaboration among and between VCC members 
* Case studies and empirical studies, best practices and lessons learned 
* Typologies and taxonomies of VCC 
* Labor and work organization within VCC 
* Individual and group behaviors inVCC 
* Worker performance, attitudes, motivation and satisfaction within VCC 
* Ethical issues associated with VCC 

* January 5, 2014: AIS Review System will begin accepting submissions for 
AMCIS 2014 
* March 1, 2014: Submission deadline (No submissions will be accepted 
after midnight, Savannah (EST) time, March 1, 2014) 
* April 4, 2014: Authors will be notified as to whether their submission 
was accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected 
* April 18, 2014: Authors must have their revised submissions submitted 
* April 25, 2014: Authors must have their camera-ready, final papers 

* Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Information Systems, Kassel University, 
Germany and Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, 
* Prof. Balaji Rajagopalan, Ph.D., Sam and Irene Black School of Business, 
Penn State University, Erie, Pennsylvania (USA) 
* Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider (Primary Contact), Information Systems, Kassel 
University, Germany (bretschneider at uni-kassel.de) 
* Dr. Ivo Blohm, Institute of Information Management, University of St. 
Gallen, Switzerland

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