[AISWorld] Bled eConference - Submission Deadline Extension to March 17, 2014

Andreja.Pucihar at fov.uni-mb.si Andreja.Pucihar at fov.uni-mb.si
Mon Feb 24 05:30:46 EST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to inform you that due to many requests submission deadline 
for papers and research in progress papers has been extended for two 

New - final submission deadline for research papers and research in 
progress papers is March 17th, 2014.

Please disseminate information to your colleagues. Thank you.

Best wishes.

Andreja Pucihar

Dr. Andreja Pucihar, Assistant Professor 
Vice Dean for International Cooperation 
Program Committee Chair 
25th Bled eConference 
Faculty of Organizational Sciences 
University of Maribor 
Kidriceva cesta 55a 
4000 Kranj 
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrejapucihar 
Twitter: @AndrejaP


Traditional 27th Bled eConference will be joined by the Living Bits and 
Things conference.

With fresh ideas and complementary themes we would like to establish a 
creative environment for researchers, government, industry/business 
representatives and technology providers and an attractive meeting point 
for discussing new R&D and project ideas, also in the spirit of new 
Horizon 2020.

We invite submissions in all areas of "e" research, teaching, and 
business. Encouraging submissions related to the conference theme; in 
addition to the traditional “e” themes; are related to the following 

eInnnovations  I  Big data  I  Open data  I Digital Services I Novel 
business and organizational models  I eCollaboration  I  Enterprise 2.0  I 
 Social Media  I  eCommerce  I  eBusiness  I  Interorganizational Systems 
I  eMarketplaces & Communities  I  Mobile Value Services  I  Cloud 
Computing  I  eHealth & Well-being  I  eSociety  I  eParticipation  I 
eLearning 2.0 & eEducation  I  eSMEs  I  eLiving Labs  I  eCollaboration I 
 eRegions  I  eDependency  I  eTrust I ePrivacy  I  Research Supervision 
Dilemmas  I any other aspect of "e".

Please note that Call for Participation for the 27th Bled eConference: 
eEcosystems is available on the conference website:   


Beside regular tracks we also have three special interest tracks:   
- Social Media enabled Commerce and Business - 
- eHealth - http://bledconference.org/2014/CfP-eHealth   
- Digital Services - http://bledconference.org/2014/CfP-DS 

The new thing this year that beside full research papers we will also 
accept research-in-progress papers. Instructions are available at the 
conference website.   

Important deadlines are:   
Submission: March 17,  2014
Notification: April 17, 2014   
Final papers: May 5, 2014   
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