[AISWorld] SEKE 2014- Deadline extended

מאירה לוי lmeira at shenkar.ac.il
Mon Feb 24 11:32:31 EST 2014

**** SEKE2014 Call For Papers - Deadline extended to 15 March 2014 ****

The 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(Alternate website: www.cs.pitt.edu/~chang/seke/seke14.html)
Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, Canada
July 1 – July 3, 2014

The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either

software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Agent architectures, ontologies, languages and protocols

Multi-agent systems

Agent-based learning and knowledge discovery

Interface agents

Agent-based auctions and marketplaces

Artificial life and societies

Secure mobile and multi-agent systems

Mobile agents

Mobile Commerce Technology and Application Systems

Mobile Systems

Autonomic computing

Adaptive Systems

Integrity, Security, and Fault Tolerance


Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools

Process and Workflow Management

E-Commerce Solutions and Applications

Industry System Experience and Report

Service-centric software engineering

Service oriented requirements engineering

Service oriented architectures

Middleware for service based systems

Service discovery and composition

Quality of services

Service level agreements (drafting, negotiation, monitoring and


Runtime service management

Semantic web

Requirements Engineering

Agent-based software engineering

Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering

Component-Based Software Engineering

Automated Software Specification

Automated Software Design and Synthesis

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering

Measurement and Empirical Software Engineering

Reverse Engineering

Programming Languages and Software Engineering

Patterns and Frameworks

Reflection and Metadata Approaches

Program Understanding

Knowledge Acquisition

Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems

Knowledge Representation and Retrieval

Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques

Time and Knowledge Management Tools

Knowledge Visualization

Data visualization

Uncertainty Knowledge Management

Ontologies and Methodologies

Learning Software Organization

Tutoring, Documentation Systems

Human-Computer Interaction

Multimedia Applications, Frameworks, and Systems

Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering

Smart Spaces

Pervasive Computing

Swarm intelligence

Soft Computing

Software Architecture

Software Assurance

Software Domain Modeling and Meta-Modeling

Software dependability

Software economics

Software Engineering Decision Support

Software Engineering Tools and Environments

Software Maintenance and Evolution

Software Process Modeling

Software product lines

Software Quality

Software Reuse

Software Safety

Software Security

Software Engineering Case Study and Experience Reports

Web and text mining

Web-Based Tools, Applications and Environment

Web-Based Knowledge Management

Web-Based Tools, Systems, and Environments

Web and Data Mining

Contact Information

SEKE2014 Conference Secretariat

Knowledge Systems Institute

156 Park Square, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, USA

E-mail: seke2014 at easychair.org

Important dates

Paper submission due: March 15, 2014 (extended final hard deadline)

Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2014

Camera-ready copy: May 20, 2014

Early conference registration due: May 20, 2014

Conference listed by




Library of Congress



Conference Organization

S. K. Chang, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA, Steering Comm. Chair

Swapna Glkhale, Univ. of Connecticut, USA, General chair

Marek Reformat, University of Alberta, Canada, PC chair

Haiping Xu, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA, PC co-chair

Claudia Werner, Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, PC co

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‏‏נשלח: שבת 22 פברואר 2014 22:00
‏‏אל: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
‏‏נושא: AISWorld Digest, Vol 654, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

   1. posting (Sandra L. Fisher - sfisher)
   2. CfP AMCIS 2014,   Mini-Track "Virtual Crowdsourcing
      Communities" (Ulrich Bretschneider Dr.)
   3. Digital Forensics, Security and Law - The 9th Annual ADFSL
      Conference (Glenn S. Dardick)
   4. AMCIS 2014> Final CFP: Global and Cross Cultural Impacts of
      Big Data Minitrack (Fichman, Pnina)
   5. AMCIS 2014 > Final CFP: Social Theory in Information      Systems
      Research (STIR '14) (Fichman, Pnina)
   6. CfP AMCIS 2014: Information Systems for Sustainable Business
      Activities and Supply Chains (Dao, Viet)
   7. Less than One Week Left: iHITA 2014 Annual Conference     CFP
      Reminder (info at ihita.org)
   8. [Deadline Approaching] Call for Workshop Proposals: The 15th
      IEEE Intl. Conference on Information Reuse and Integration
      (Wei-Bang Chen)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 20:42:12 +0000
From: "Sandra L. Fisher - sfisher" <sfisher at clarkson.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] posting
        <5C4C6C246718F94B8B23036056246E38334136A8 at EXCH07-DB.ad.clarkson.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

5th International E-HRM Conference
Special Issue of Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Call for Paper Abstracts And Symposium Proposals
New York, New York
    July 30-31, 2014


The goal of this 5th International e-HRM conference is to bring together international HRM and IT scholars, business leaders and consultants to present their research and share knowledge on the value proposition of human capital management information technology and its diffusion in organizations strategically and operationally.  See the conference website at http://www.ehrm2014.com<http://www.ehrm2014.com/> for more information.

We welcome three categories of conference submissions

*         Full papers

*         Papers in development

*         Panel discussions or symposiums on a particular topic

For full papers or papers in development, authors should submit extended abstracts (750-1,000 words), in English, for double blind review, with the understanding that for accepted submissions a paper will be produced for the actual conference. Proposals for panel discussions or symposiums should be 3-5 pages and describe the key objectives of the discussion in addition to the planned speakers.

Papers accepted for the conference will be invited for submission to a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

Conference Chairs and Special Issue Editors
Dr. Janet H Marler, School of Business, University at Albany-State University of New York jmarler at albany.edu<mailto:jmarler at albany.edu>
Dr. Sandra Fisher, Clarkson University sfisher at clarkson.edu<mailto:sfisher at clarkson.edu>

Important Dates
Deadline for all submissions: March 15, 2014
Acceptance/rejection notification: April 15, 2014
Final paper conference submission and registration deadline: May 30, 2014
Conference attendance date: July 30-July31, 2014
Full papers for submission to the CJAS special issue: September 30, 2014

Sandra L. Fisher
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies
Clarkson University School of Business
P.O. Box 5790
Potsdam, NY 13699-5790
(315) 268-6430
Fax (315) 268-3810

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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:30:08 +0100
From: "Ulrich Bretschneider Dr." <bretschneider at uni-kassel.de>
To: fgcscw at lists.lrz.de, gi-mms at listserv.uni-jena.de,
        wi at lists.uni-karlsruhe.de, aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2014,     Mini-Track "Virtual Crowdsourcing
        <OFD2F52760.84989B35-ONC1257C87.003943CB-C1257C87.0039BCF3 at notes.verwaltung.uni-kassel.de>

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=================== sorry for any cross-postings
Mini-Track "Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities"
20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
August 7-10, 2014, Savannah, Georgia, USA
AMCIS 2014 website http://amcis2014.aisnet.org/
Mini-Track website http://www.virtual-community.org

=== SCOPE ===
Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities (VCC) have emerged as high activity
domains on the Internet. VCC are designed for a variety of purposes,
ranging from VCC for Creation (Wikipedia), for Work (TopCoder, odesk), or
for Funding (Sell-a-Band, Kickstarter, etc.). The significance of these
communities is evident by the impact they have on information and content
generation as well as transmission, and socialization. For example, today,
Wikipedia is quickly becoming a primary source of information in a variety
of domains. Crowdsourcing is also becoming more and more attractive for
firms. By practicing Crowdsourcing firms tend to get access to services,
ideas, or content from a large group of people via VCC. In this vein,
firms? traditional Make-Or-Buy decisions turn to the management and
integration of globally distributed resources. For example, firms source
the generation of innovations or the work on tasks through VCC as the
examples of Dell?s Ideastorm or Amazon?s Mechanical Turk illustrate.
Within the field of IS researchers are interested in studying interaction
patterns, social structures, transaction processes, management aspects,
business models, and design aspects of information systems and services
for VCC. Other related issues are trust, network effects as well as
transaction costs. Also, the operational mechanisms of VCC are of interest
to practice. In this vein, research that unlocks the value of "Wisdom of
Crowds" or "Collective Intelligence" can be very insightful.

Despite the increasing popularity of VCC, several questions relating to
VCC remain largely unexplored. We call for papers on all aspects of VCC.
We welcome empirical, conceptual and theoretical work. Possible topics
include (but are not limited to):

* Social, political and economic impact of VCC
* Community models, platforms, services, and interactions in VCC
* Management of VCC
* VCC-related business models
* Innovation and content generation in VCC
* Collaboration among and between VCC members
* Case studies and empirical studies, best practices and lessons learned
* Typologies and taxonomies of VCC
* Labor and work organization within VCC
* Individual and group behaviors inVCC
* Worker performance, attitudes, motivation and satisfaction within VCC
* Ethical issues associated with VCC

* January 5, 2014: AIS Review System will begin accepting submissions for
AMCIS 2014
* March 1, 2014: Submission deadline (No submissions will be accepted
after midnight, Savannah (EST) time, March 1, 2014)
* April 4, 2014: Authors will be notified as to whether their submission
was accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected
* April 18, 2014: Authors must have their revised submissions submitted
* April 25, 2014: Authors must have their camera-ready, final papers

* Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Information Systems, Kassel University,
Germany and Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen,
* Prof. Balaji Rajagopalan, Ph.D., Sam and Irene Black School of Business,
Penn State University, Erie, Pennsylvania (USA)
* Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider (Primary Contact), Information Systems, Kassel
University, Germany (bretschneider at uni-kassel.de)
* Dr. Ivo Blohm, Institute of Information Management, University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland

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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 10:53:34 +0000
From: "Glenn S. Dardick" <gdardick at dardick.net>
To: "''aisworld at lists.aisnet.org' (aisworld at lists.aisnet.org)
        (aisworld at lists.aisnet.org)'" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Digital Forensics, Security and Law - The 9th
        Annual ADFSL Conference
        <47611EA325D05541AD9480AF629A289D4094FCB1 at SERVER01.dardick.local>
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9th ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law

[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: adfslgraphic.jpg]

Venue: Richmond, Virginia USA

Dates: 28-29 May 2014

Conference Website:

Dear colleagues:

The ADFSL 2014 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law will be held on May 28-29, 2014.  The venue for the conference will be the Westin Hotel in Richmond, Virginia.

The ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law is a unique and innovative event.  It is managed by the Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL). The conference focuses on the current and expanding role of digital forensics within investigations and the courts as well as its important role within cyber security - both national as well as corporate. Topics not only include technology and evidence, but also are very much focused on how to prepare students for careers in digital forensics. Conference papers are double blind refereed and provide a forum for high quality research, communication and debate on the subject of digital forensics and directly related fields.

The conference is of particular interest to individuals who are interested in developing curriculum and teaching methods as well as conducting research related to the areas of digital forensics, security, and law. This conference will be of value to both academic and practitioner audiences.


This year's keynote speaker will be Mark Pollitt. Mark Pollitt served over thirty years in the U. S. government, over ten years as a military officer in the Marine Corps and Coast Guard and then another twenty as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In addition to conducting criminal and national security investigations for over 13 years, he supervised online investigations, was the Chief of the FBI's computer forensic unit (CART) and was the Director of the Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory Program.

Selected papers from the conference will be considered for inclusion in the following journal:

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law






Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Website: http://www.adfsl.org

[cid:image002.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
"Verum Vacuus Proclivitas"

Glenn S. Dardick, Ph.D., CCE (ISFCE), CCFP (ISC2)
[cce-logo]   [ccfp]  [cid:image005.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
gdardick at dardick.net<mailto:gdardick at dardick.net>
gdardick (Skype)

Longwood Center for Cyber Security, Longwood University, USA
A National Center for Digital Forensics Academic Excellence
dardickgs at longwood.edu<mailto:dardickgs at longwood.edu>

Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law
[cid:image006.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0][cid:image007.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
Publisher of the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
gdardick at adfsl.org<mailto:gdardick at adfsl.org>

Adjunct Associate Professor
ECU Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Australia
 [cid:image008.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners
Infragard, Richmond, Virginia
LexConverge, University of Malta
Fellow, African Center for Cyberlaw and Cybercrime Prevention (ACCP), Kampala Uganda

Shipping/Postal Address:
Glenn S. Dardick / ADFSL
1642 Horsepen Hills Road
Maidens, Virginia 23102
This electronic message is intended only for the use of the individual or company named above. If the intended recipient is a client, the information contained in this message is considered confidential, proprietary, privileged, and may contain client confidential information and work product. It may also contain trade secrets protected by State and Federal law. If you are not the addressee please do not copy or deliver this message to anyone. You should immediately delete the message without reading the contents and notify us by return email that the message was misdirected. I apologize for the inconvenience. Any other use of this information is strictly prohibited.

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Message: 4
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:05:15 +0000
From: "Fichman, Pnina" <fichman at indiana.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2014> Final CFP: Global and Cross Cultural
        Impacts of Big Data Minitrack
Message-ID: <04C7AD1A-E0C5-4BA2-A4CB-865F0787BE33 at indiana.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

[Apologies for cross-posting]

AMCIS Minitrack - Global and Cross Cultural Impacts of Big Data

20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS): Smart Sustainability, the Information Systems Opportunity, Savannah, GA, August  7-10, 2014

Conference Website: http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/


Manyika et al. (2011; 4) note ?big data has now reached every sector of the global economy. Like other essential factors of production ? much of modern economic activity simply couldn?t take place without it.? An emerging grand challenge involves gathering, organizing, curating, managing, analyzing, visualizing and disseminating these heterogeneous data over the lifecycle of the data for such purposes such as scientific discovery, medical advances, entrepreneurial activity and public policy formulation.

People in the public and private sectors are taking note of this development as are academics, who are exploring ways of dealing with big data, defined by the National Science Foundation (2012) as:

?large, diverse, complex, longitudinal, and/or distributed data sets generated from instruments, sensors, Internet transactions, email, video, click streams, and/or all other digital sources available today and in the future.

This minitrack solicits high quality conceptual and empirical work that focuses on the global impacts of big data on governments, multinational companies, NGOs and other organizations. Big data datasets and the technologies for analyzing them are developing faster than our understanding of the ways in which this phenomenon is impacting and will impact the ways work is done in a wide range of settings. As scholars and researchers begin to investigate the impacts of Big Data, this minitrack provides a venue for them to share their work.

Appropriate topics for this minitrack include (but are not limited to) the following:

? Big data use in organizational, national and international settings
? How the introduction of big data affects organizational and group work flow
? Ways that big data is affecting organizational and group decision making
? Security and privacy impacts of big data use
? The intended and unintended consequences of big data
? The dark side of big data: surveillance, illicit activities, discriminatory analytics, and the end of privacy
? Big data as a social, political, economic, and/or cultural phenomenon

Minitrack chairs:

Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana  University
fichman at indiana.edu<mailto:fichman at indiana.edu>

Howard Rosenbaum, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana  University
hrosenba at indiana.edu


Full paper submissions must be made electronically through the AMCIS on-line submission system no later than March 1, 2014. Manuscript Central will start accepting paper submissions on January 5, 2014 at:


Additional instructions for authors:


Important Dates:

March 1, 2014: (11:59 PM EST): Deadline for paper submissions
April 4 2014: Authors will be notified of acceptances on or about this date
April 18, 2014: Authors revisions due
April 25, 2014: (11:59 PM EST): For accepted papers, camera ready copy due

Pnina Fichman, Ph.D.
Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics
Associate Professor, School of Informatics and Computing
Affiliated Associate Professor, School of Global and International Studies
901 E. 10th St. Informatics West #301
Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47408
Office: (812) 856-1587 Cell: (812) 322-0219
Web: http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~fichman/

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Message: 5
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:05:55 +0000
From: "Fichman, Pnina" <fichman at indiana.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2014 > Final CFP: Social Theory in
        Information     Systems Research (STIR '14)
Message-ID: <996A7C4E-D0A1-4B5A-B81F-CFD230EA3608 at indiana.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

[Apologies for cross-posting]

Final Call For Papers:

AMCIS Mini-track: Social Theory in Information Systems Research (STIR '14)

20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS): Smart Sustainability, the Information Systems opportunity, Savannah, GA, August  7-10, 2014

Conference Website: http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/

This Mini Track solicits papers that make use of social theory in information systems research drawing upon such approaches as sociotechnical theory, critical theory, social informatics, organizational theory, cultural anthropology, sociology and others. We are interested in understanding and supporting the evolution of social theory, socio-technical theory, and social informatics in information systems research. We want to highlight research that uses these approaches to critically examine the constitution of information and communications technologies, and their roles in organizations and society; these are among the most important questions about IS, organizations, and society. We particularly invite IS research that applies, builds on, compares, or critiques these social theories.

We are interested in high quality empirical and conceptual work that uses social theory to study and theorize about application domains including large-scale social and organizational phenomena. We seek to attract research papers and research-in-progress papers from all IS researchers who are using the work of social theorists, organizational theorists, sociotechnical theorists, and cultural anthropologists, symbolic interactionists, and many others. We are particularly interested in research that makes use of social theory 1) to address issues of designing a smart and sustainable digital future, 2) to answer questions about how we are interacting with ICTs in our work and social lives in ways that help and hinder the move towards sustainability, and 3) to critically examine the constitution of ICTs, and their roles in the design, maintenance and dissolution of sustainable organizations and social groups.

This will be the 14th consecutive year for the Mini Track at AMCIS, and we hope to continue a tradition of high quality paper submissions, thought-provoking presentations and lively discussion for all IS researchers using, or considering the use of, social theory in their work.

In addition to research aligned with the conference theme we are also interested in high quality empirical and conceptual work that uses social theory to study and understand:

* The implications of social networks for organizations and social groups
* Conceptual and empirical work focusing on the ways ICT can promote or hinder social inclusion
* The significance of cyberinfrastructure for commerce, governing and research and development
* The relationships between ICTs and people as they participate in online communities and virtual teams
* Online communities of practice, their processes and outcomes
* The dynamics of crowdsourcing online
* Hacktivism and the use of technology to mobilize resources and advance ideology
* Unintended consequences of technology implementation and use in organizations and in social life
* Scientific collaboration and scholarly communication as enabled and constrained by ICTs
* The impacts of social computing on our social and work lives

Minitrack chairs:

Howard Rosenbaum, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana  University
hrosenba at indiana.edu

Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana  University
fichman at indiana.edu

Submission Process:

Instructions for authors and more information is available at: http://amcis2014.aisnet.org/index.php/call-for-papers

Full paper submissions must be made electronically through the AMCIS on-line submission system. Papers can be submitted beginning on January 5, 2014. The link will be available at: http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2014_papers/

Submissions will close on March 1, 2014.

Pnina Fichman
Associate Professor, School of Informatics and Computing
Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics
Affiliated Associate Professor, School of Global and International Studies
901 East 10th Street, Informatics West #301
Indiana University, Bloomington, 47408
Phone (812) 856-1587
E-Mail fichman at indiana.edu
Web http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~fichman/


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 12:51:43 +0000
From: "Dao, Viet" <VTDao at ship.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2014: Information Systems for
        Sustainable Business Activities and Supply Chains
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20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'14)
August 7-10, 2014
Savannah, Georgia

Track: Green IS and Sustainability
Mini-track: Information Systems for Sustainable Business Activities and Supply Chains

This mini-track focuses on the role of Information Systems in enabling the development and promotion of sustainability strategy and sustainable business practices that focus on all aspects of the triple bottom line: Profit, People, and Planet. More particularly, this mini-track is interested in research regarding the role of IS in enabling sustainable business practices that not only address sustainability within individual firms but also reach beyond firm boundary to examine the role of IS in enabling coordination among supply chain partners to develop more sustainable business practices across supply chains.

Description of Main Theme and Potential Topics:
Sustainability has increasingly become important to business research and practice over the past decades as a result of rapid depletion of natural resources and concerns over wealth disparity and corporate social responsibility. Sustainability research and practices have recognized that business performance should be evaluated based on its impacts on the environment and interested stakeholders besides profitability, known as the triple bottom line (TBL). Companies have increasingly recognized that business strategy that boldly embrace sustainability have resulted in companies? being successful in delivering financial, environmental, and social values to themselves as well as related stakeholders (MIT Sloan Management Review report, 2011).
In order to develop capabilities to address TBL issues, businesses need to engage in wide ranging activities such as changing business culture, redesigning business processes, etc. (Hart & Milstein, 2003; Porter & Kramer, 2006). More importantly, research as well as management practice have illustrated that to be truly sustainable, companies should not only just focus on their own business operations but also focus on improving sustainable business practices across the supply chain (Kleindorfer, Singhal, & Van Wassenhove, 2005; Dao, Langella, & Carbo, 2011).
Given the recognized role of IT resources in enabling business capabilities within and across supply chain partners (Rai, Patnayakuni, & Seth, 2006; Jain, Wadhwa, & Deshmukh, 2009), it is arguable that IT resources should be critical in enabling firms to develop capabilities to address sustainability issues both within firms and across their supply chain through coordination with supply chain partners (Melville, 2010; Dao et al., 2011). We invite research from different business areas, including MIS, management, supply chain and operation management, and particularly inter-disciplinary research that examines the role of IT resources in conjunction with other business resources in enabling firms to develop sustainability strategy that address all aspects of the triple bottom line, both within firms and across supply chain partners. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- IS in enabling sustainable innovation
- Intertwining of environmentally and socially sustainable practices
- IS in enabling environmentally and socially sustainable operations (including direct environmental impact of data centers, power consumption and conservation, etc.)
- IS in supply chain partners? coordination for sustainability
- Sustainability vision within and across firms
- The role of IS in enabling the assessment of sustainability performance

March 1, 2014:           Submissions Due
April 4, 2014:              Author Notification of Acceptance
April 18, 2014:            Author Revisions Due
April 25, 2014:            Camera-Ready Copy Due

Instructions for authors and more information about the conference is available on the conference website at http://amcis2013.aisnet.org/.

Mini-track chairs contact information:
Viet Dao
vtdao at ship.edu<mailto:vtdao at ship.edu>
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shippensburg, PA 17257

Viet T. Dao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Grove College of Business
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive, GRH315
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Office: (717) 477-1415
E-mail: vtdao at ship.edu

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Message: 7
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 05:01:03 -0700
From: <info at ihita.org>
To: info at ihita.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Less than One Week Left: iHITA 2014 Annual
        Conference      CFP Reminder
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Message: 8
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 08:14:06 -0500
From: Wei-Bang Chen <wbc0522.publicitychair at gmail.com>
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] [Deadline Approaching] Call for Workshop
        Proposals: The 15th IEEE Intl. Conference on Information Reuse and
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receive multiple copies)

Call for Workshop Proposals

Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with
15th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration
(IRI 2014), August 13-15, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA. Each workshop
provides a forum to address a specific topic at the forefront of
information reuse and integration.


A workshop must be full or half-day in length. As part of the IRI 2014
proceedings, all workshop papers will be included in the conference
proceedings and available to the workshop attendees.

Workshop Proposal Submission Guidelines:
For new workshops, proposals should include:
- Workshop title
- A draft "Call for Papers" articulating the scope and topics covered
  by the workshop
- A brief summary and justification for the workshop, including
  anticipated benefits to the IRI community
- Planned activities
- Expected number of submissions and acceptance rate
- Expected number of attendees
- Program chair(s), and, if available, tentative program committee
- A one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer, describing
  relevant qualifications, including research and conference/workshop
  organizing experience

For previously-held workshops, in addition to the above, proposals must
provide the following information, for the most recent incarnation of the
- Number of submissions
- Number of accepted papers
- Number of registered attendees
- URL of the previous event (should post the previous CFPs)

Please submit workshop proposals by email to the IRI Workshop Chairs,
Mei-Ling Shyu, shyu at miami.edu,
Reda Alhajj, rsalhajj at gmail.com,
Chengcui Zhang, zhang at cis.uab.edu,
Min-Yuh Day, myday at mail.tku.edu.tw.

All workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Workshop Chairs.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
- The workshop is within scope of information reuse and integration and
  concerns a coherent and worthwhile technical topic.
- Its likely impact on the target community, including likely high

Important Date:
- Deadline for Workshop proposals: February 23, 2014
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End of AISWorld Digest, Vol 654, Issue 1

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