[AISWorld] SAICSIT 2014 Call for Papers

Carina DeVilliers Carina.DeVilliers at up.ac.za
Fri Apr 4 09:58:53 EDT 2014

The Department of Informatics at the University of Pretoria, South
Africa is the host for SAICSIT 2014 to be held at Leriba Lodge,
Centurion, South Africa from 29 September to 1 October 2014.
The theme of the conference is "Empowered by Technology”.  In the words
of our keynote speaker, Prof Geoff Walsham from the University of
“Information Technology has become an essential component of
contemporary society, allowing much faster and more widespread
communication ..... An enhanced ability to collect and process data, or
to communicate across time and space, does not necessarily lead to
improved human communication and action”.
The conference programme will include research paper sessions, plenary
keynote addresses, panel discussions, industry papers / case studies and
workshops - to cater for a broad audience of participants.  The first
day * Monday 29 September 2014 - is devoted to tutorials, workshops and
an all-day Master’s and Doctoral Symposium.  The main conference will be
held from Tuesday 30th of September to Wednesday 1st of October 2014.
We hereby invite you to submit a research paper, industry paper, panel
proposal or workshop proposal for SAICSIT 2014.
Submission deadlines
Full research papers / industry papers / case studies / workshops /
panels:  13 June 2014 (notification by 4 August 2014)
Masters and Doctoral symposium: 28 July 2014 (notification by 25 August
Full details available on the conference web site:
Prof Alta van der Merwe and Prof Carina de Villiers
Conference Chairs
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