[AISWorld] Last CFP: 1st Workshop on Digital Currencies - papers due on April 15

George M Giaglis giaglis at aueb.gr
Sun Apr 6 12:25:25 EDT 2014

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

              1st Workshop on Digital Currencies  (DC 2014)
                             in conjunction with
     17th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS

                             Larnaca, Cyprus
                              May 22, 2014



                 Deadline for submissions: Apr 15, 2014


During the last few years, the growing interest and popularity in
crypto currencies have fostered developments in research and practices
in relevant fields. Academics and practitioners, alike, are facing
challenges related to the ever increasing required infrastructure for
mining crypro-currencies, the operational aspects of exchanges, the
regulatory frameworks that are required for the new form of payment
instruments without hindering the growth of the new economy and the
relation between crypto-currencies and official payment methods. 

Nowadays, addressing such challenges becomes essential for developing
new services and possibly business models that contain the prospect of
restructuring financial systems. 

This workshop  invites researchers and business experts to share
knowledge and competencies for organizational and practical apsects of
crypto-currency systems. We expect participants to  present research
papers, comment on business cases,  hold tutorial sessions or
demonstrate systems, tools and other related issues needed to:    
	(a)  manage crypto-currencies 
	(b)  optimize operational aspects of crypto-currency exchanges and 
	(c)  assess and make informed decisions related to digital currencies.


* Types of Digital Payment Systems and Properties
* Crypto-currencies and Security
* Mining Crypto-ocurrencies
* P2P Decentralized Architectures and Platforms
* Crypto-currency Exchange Markets
* Risk Analysis of Exchanges for Digital Currency
* Assessing Emerging Regulatory Frameworks
* Mobile Information Systems and Services in Crypto-currencies
* Digital Currency as a Service
* Digital Currency and the Banking Sector
* Investing and Crypto-currencies
* Regulatory Frameworks in Digital Monetary Systems
* Digital Currency Transactions and Privacy
* Policy and Ethics
* Case Studies and Best Practices


* Apr 15, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
* Apr 25, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* May 18, 2014 - submission of final papers
* May 22, 2014 - the workshop


* George M. Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business
* Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus

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