[AISWorld] HICSS 48 CFP: Knowledge Economics Minitrack

Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de
Thu Apr 24 04:19:34 EDT 2014

CFP: HICSS-48 (2015) Minitrack: Knowledge Economics
January 5-8, 2015
Grand Hyatt, Kauai

Carsten Brockmann, University of Potsdam, Germany 
(Carsten.Brockmann at wi.uni-potsdam.de)
Narcyz Roztocki, SUNY at New Paltz, U.S.A. (roztockn at newpaltz.edu)

Submission deadline: 15th of June 2014

LinkedIn group: 

Knowledge Management is continuously gaining importance in research and 
practice, because economies are 
more reliant on the contribution of knowledge intensive businesses. 
Various methodologies to identify, capture, 
model and simulate knowledge transfers have advanced within the business 
scope. These methodologies 
comprise both the technical, as well as the organizational aspect of 
knowledge, that is being transferred in 
This minitrack aims to provide insight on the knowledge economics and 
emphasizes a holistic view on the
economic implications of knowledge, including the economics of 
repositories and the overall value of knowledge. 
Furthermore, implications of the knowledge society and knowledge based 
policy are covered within the scope 
of this minitrack.
This minitrack is soliciting paper submissions that: advance our field, 
help us learn about effective processes 
and approaches to create economical benefit from knowledge, and identify 
ways to measure the economical 
benefits derived from managing knowledge.

Papers will be solicited in several areas, including, but not limited to 
the following:
Creating innovation through knowledge management
Value and economics of repositories
Implications of the knowledge society
Knowledge based theory
Knowledge based society
Costs associated with knowledge management and knowledge transfer
Tangible and intangible (business) value of knowledge management systems
Methods for measuring the costs and benefits of projects involving 
knowledge management systems
Measuring, managing, and promoting intellectual capital
Economics of inner and cross-organizational knowledge transfer
Business models involving knowledge management and knowledge transfer
The role of human, intellectual and social capital in knowledge management 
and knowledge transfer
Economics of knowledge transfer across developed and emerging economies
Value creation through education based knowledge transfer
Benefits and costs of considering knowledge in the analysis of business 
Economics of sustainable knowledge management: potentials, barriers, and 
critical success factors
Motivations and financial expectations of cross-border knowledge transfer
Contribution of knowledge management systems to firm performance and 
Economics of talent management
Financial effects of the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) position, knowledge 
managers, and other knowledge management related resources
Financial rewards systems related to knowledge management and knowledge 
Frameworks, models and theories related to the economics of knowledge 
management and transfer

HICSS-48 offers a unique, highly interactive and professionally 
challenging environment. Attendees find sessions 
of the Knowledge Economics Minitrack very insightful with many different 
perspectives and ideas created during creative
discussions. In general, HICSS sessions are comprised primarily of 
refereed paper presentations and the HICSS conference
does not host vendor presentations. HICSS is sponsored by the Shidler 
College of Business at the 
University of Hawaii at Manoa and the IEEE Computer Society.
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