[AISWorld] Call for Workshop Proposals @ Group 2014 extended to May 16 2014

Lionel Robert lprobert at umich.edu
Mon May 5 13:36:51 EDT 2014


ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork (Group2014)

Call for Workshop Proposals

November 9-12, 2014

Sanibel Island, Florida, USA

Submission deadline: April 11, 2014



For over 25 years, the Group conferences have showcased the work of
researchers and practitioners on the design, development, introduction,
management, deployment, and analysis of computer-based collaborative
systems, as well as explorations to determine the requirements for such
systems. A strong emphasis of GROUP conferences is to foster a discourse on
collaborative technology that bridges the fields of Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Information Systems (IS), Technology Enhanced
Learning (TEL), and "Learning at the workplace” (CSCL at Work). Relevant
issues include the design, implementation, deployment, evaluation, and
impact of these systems as well as examinations of relevant research


Workshop Proposals @ Group 2014


Workshop proposals - Workshops provide an informal and focused environment
for the information exchange and discussion of Group related topics. These
topics include but not limited to the fields of Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Information Systems (IS), Technology Enhanced
Learning (TEL), and "Learning at the workplace.” We offer half or full day
workshop venues.  Please use the ACM standard format for submissions.




Submit to: workshops at group2014.org


Submission deadline May 16, 2014


Workshop co-chairs:

Lionel Robert Jr.

University of Michigan

Hanna Söderholm

University of Borås


Lionel P. Robert Jr.
Assistant Professor of Information
School of Information
University of Michigan
4417 North Quad
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Phone: 734-764-5296
Fax: 734-615-3587
Email: lprobert at umich.edu
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