[AISWorld] Seeking Final Bid to Host DESRIST 2015

Samir Chatterjee Samir.Chatterjee at cgu.edu
Mon May 5 18:11:42 EDT 2014

Call for Proposals - Hosting DESRIST 2015

DESRIST is the leading conference on design science research in IS&T. For a history of the conference please visit http://desrist.org/conference/ The steering committee of the DESRIST Conference series invites proposals for hosting the 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in IS&T scheduled for spring of 2015. We are particularly looking to hold this event in Europe.

Below are topics to include in your bid. You can convey this information in whatever sequence or form you think best. Your proposal should be no more than three pages. You will need to create a PDF, which we will then post online so those voting can read it.

1. Host name (Information about your institution, research group, and so on.)

2. Geographic location & proposed date (What makes your location a match for this event? What dates are proposed? Tell us about the venue, how attractive is it?)

3. Related research of host (Your projects and publications related to design research, your participation in previous DESRIST conferences -- establish your credibility.)

4. Host experience in conferences & sponsorship (Are you skilled in hosting conferences? Can you secure sponsors? Provide info and evidence.)

5. Proposed organizing committee (Who will be helping you organize the event, evaluating submissions, and so on?)

6. Proposed conference format (What conference format do you propose? Include info about doctoral consortium & posters.)

7. Conference publications plans (How do you propose to publish results? DESRIST 2010 will be published by LNCS Press.)

8. Conference price for those attending (What will your event cost those attending? Please estimate price of registration and lodging.)

9. Sponsorships & Student support (Is there any sources of funding that can be allocated to DESRIST? What are your plans to facilitate student involvement?)
10. Attendance goals (How do you plan to market and reach out to neighboring countries, communities etc)
11. Other information (Include anything else such as special dinners, sightseeing etc. you think will persuade people to vote for your proposal.)

Selection Process & Schedule: The DESRIST steering committee will vote to select 2015 conference location. Selection and notification will take place at DESRIST 2014<http://desrist2014.fiu.edu/> conference in Miami.

Send your bid to
Samir Chatterjee - Samir.chatterjee at cgu.edu<mailto:Samir.chatterjee at cgu.edu>
Matti Rossi - matti.rossi at aalto.fi<mailto:matti.rossi at aalto.fi>
Alan Hevner - AHEVNER at usf.edu<mailto:AHEVNER at usf.edu>
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