[AISWorld] CFP: IEEE Big Data Workshop on Challenges & Issues on Scholarly Big Data Discovery and Collaboration (SBD 2014

Christina Lioma c.lioma at di.ku.dk
Fri May 30 04:52:46 EDT 2014



IEEE Big Data Workshop on Challenges & Issues on Scholarly Big Data Discovery and Collaboration (SBD 2014)


to be held on October 27, 2014, Washington DC in conjunction with IEEE Big Data Conference


## Important Dates ##

** Submission Deadline: September 5, 2014

** Notification of Acceptance: September 20, 2014

** Camera-ready Due: October 5, 2014

** Workshop date: October 27, 2014

## Workshop Organizers (ordered by last name) ##

Cornelia Caragea, University of North Texas, USA, ccaragea at unt.edu<mailto:ccaragea at unt.edu>

Ingemar J. Cox, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, ingemar.cox at di.ku.dk<mailto:ingemar.cox at di.ku.dk>

Sujatha Das G. Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore, gsdas at cse.psu.edu<mailto:gsdas at cse.psu.edu>

C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, USA, giles at ist.psu.edu<mailto:giles at ist.psu.edu>

Daqing He, University of Pittsburgh, USA, dah44 at pitt.edu<mailto:dah44 at pitt.edu>

Madian Khabsa, Pennsylvania State University, USA, madian at psu.edu<mailto:madian at psu.edu>

Yu-Ru Lin, University of Pittsburgh, USA, yurulin at pitt.edu<mailto:yurulin at pitt.edu>

Christina Lioma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, c.lioma at di.ku.dk<mailto:c.lioma at di.ku.dk>

Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, natasamf at microsoft.com<mailto:natasamf at microsoft.com>

## Workshop Theme & Topics ##

Academics and researchers worldwide continue to produce large numbers of scholarly documents including papers, books, technical reports, etc. and associated data such as tutorials, proposals, lab note books, and course materials. The abundance of data sources enables researchers to study scholarly collaboration at a very large scale. The ever increasing diversity of disciplines and complexity of research problems, particularly multi-disciplinary research, requires collaboration. Besides the traditional venues of collaboration where scholars typically meet annually at conferences or meetings, the Internet provides a wide range of platforms for scholars to engage with other scholars. These new platforms include academic sites such as Academia.edu, ResearchGate and Mendeley, more interactive social sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and Wiki-style virtual collaboration sites. These services allow scholars to share academic resources, exchange opinions, follow each other’s research, keep up with current research trends, and build their professional networks.

Researchers increasingly realize that scholarly achievements should not merely be the final published articles. The datasets used in this study and many other intermediary results are equally important for supporting research. Therefore, a set of rapidly developing research topics, research data management, data curation/stewardship, data sharing policy, etc. are becoming important issues for research communities. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers with diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds interested in scholarly big data.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Access and Analytical tools for studying scholarly discovery and collaboration.

 - New approaches to measuring the impact of research funding and publications as well as the impact of researchers in a particular fields of study.

 - Searching and mining the Web, large digital libraries, repositories for scholarly publications and patents and linking to other data sources such as papers, funded proposals and patents.

 - Novel data search and mining tools for studying scholarly collaboration using big data, including big graph mining frameworks such as GraphX, etc.

 - Data infrastructure that supports scalable computation, e.g., document indexing with Hadoop and MapReduce

 - Algorithms for accessing, extracting and recommending scholar articles, experts and findings

* Online platforms for scholarly discovery and collaboration.

 - Presenting open-access, novel datasets (e.g., based on Wikipedia, DBpedia, United States Census Bureau data, Patent data, etc.) that can be linked to entities, and can help researchers develop novel technologies for analyzing scientific publications.

 - The types of collaborations scholars engage in using online and social platforms

 - Support for scholarly discovery and collaboration

*  Data curation and management for scholarly discovery and collaboration.

 - Data curation/management

 - Existing practices for managing research data

 - Research reproducibility and data sharing policy

* Integration of all aspects of scholarly discovery and collaboration

 - Design of next generation collaboration platforms

 - Information professionals’ role in engaging in online scholarly collaboration.

 - Community acceptance and evaluation of activities in online scholarly collaboration

 - Privacy and security issues in online scholarly collaboration

## Submission ##

We invite submissions on both theoretical results and practical applications related to these topics. We encourage submissions which present early stages of cutting-edge research and development.

Submitted manuscripts should closely reflect the final papers as they will appear in the Proceedings, and should not exceed the following page length in two-column IEEE proceeding format. We accept two submission formats:

* Full research papers (up to 8 pages)

* Short research papers (up to 4 pages)

All papers are refereed through a single blind process. All papers must be submitted online:


Contact: ieeesbd14 at gmail.com<mailto:ieeesbd14 at gmail.com>

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