[AISWorld] PhD Positions Open at WU Vienna in Research Project SHAPE (Safety-critical Human- & dAta-centric Process management in Engineering projects)

Jan Mendling jan.mendling at wu.ac.at
Fri Jun 13 09:13:06 EDT 2014

Dear all,


The Institute for Information Business is offering three PhD positions on a
2.5 years' contract, from October 1, 2014 (commencement date subject to
negotiation) until March 31, 2017.




The candidate is expected to conduct research under the supervision of the
principle investigators Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres and Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling
within the frame of the FFG research project SHAPE (Safety-critical Human- &
dAta-centric Process management in Engineering projects). In this project,
we study ICT support for more rigorous and verifiable process management in
recurring and adaptive engineering processes in an industrial context. The
proposed framework shall provide automatic support for monitoring and
checking conformance (e.g. to SIL levels) in engineering processes that
require accountability in safety-critical domains such as the railway
domain. To this end we will deploy methods from intelligent process mining,
semantic technologies and automatic, constraint-based configuration.


Required skills and qualifications: 

Candidates must have a master degree in information systems, business
informatics, computer science, business administration, or social sciences
and economics with a solid theoretical foundations in at least one of the
following topic areas:

- business process management

- knowledge representation & reasoning

- process mining

- complex event processing

- natural language processing

- semantic web

- constraint-based configuration


Desirable skills and qualifications: 

- Excellent study results,

- Technical knowledge of programming languages such as Java, data formats
such as XML and RDF, and query languages such as SQL, SPARQL and XQuery

- Experience with industry and/or research projects,

- Experience in collaborating with companies,

- Proficiency in English,

- Experience with formal analysis of process models and corresponding
software tools

- Experience with knowledge representation formalism and reasoning
techniques such as Answer Set Programming 


Submission deadline is 15 July 2014, to be sent by email including all
necessary documents attached as a single PDF file to backoffice at ai.wu.ac.at.


More details please contact  <mailto:axel.polleres at wu.ac.at>
axel.polleres at wu.ac.at or jan.mendling at wu.ac.at for further details. To
learn more about the Institute for Information Business, have a look


Best regards,


Axel Polleres and Jan Mendling 



Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling

WU Vienna

Institute for Information Business 

Building D2, Entrance C, 3rd Floor 
Welthandelsplatz 1, 

1020 Vienna, Austria

Email:  <mailto:jan.mendling at wu.ac.at> jan.mendling at wu.ac.at

Phone: +43 1 31336 5200

Fax:   +43 1 31336 739

Web:   http://www.mendling.com 

Book:  http://fundamentals-of-bpm.org/



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