[AISWorld] FW: International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2015)

Sue Nugus sue.nugus at academic-conferences.org
Fri Jun 20 06:58:00 EDT 2014

This is a second call for papers for the 3rd International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2015) which is being Co-hosted by Massey University and Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Auckland, New Zealand on the 12-13 February 2015.

This call will close on 24th of July 2014.
ICMLG offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in the issues related to Management, Leadership and Governance to share their thinking and research findings. These fields of study are broadly described as including strategic and operational managerial topics, the leadership challenges facing senior and high potential management and the formal and informal governance of the organisation.
I would be grateful you could please circulate the call to your network again, to make sure that they have plenty of time to submit to the conference. By the way, if you know of any listservs that I might be able to announce the conference on, do please let me know. You may also like to print out a one page poster about the conference that you could post on your department noticeboard. You can download this from: http://academic-conferences.org/icmlg/icmlg2015/icmlg15-glance.htm

In addition to the main conference topics below, the advisory group invites submissions to the following mini tracks:

*Pluralistic approaches to effective governance research: Developing an understanding of a phenomena rarely witnessed co-chaired by Associate Prof Coral Ingley, Auckland University of Technology and Dr James Lockhart, Massey University, New Zealand
*The role of leadership in effective corporate governance chaired by Peter Crow, Massey University, New Zealand

For more information please go to:  http://academic-conferences.org/icmlg/icmlg2015/icmlg15-call-papers.htm

Academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are welcomed approaches. PhD Research, proposals for roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts you think may be interested.
Subject to author registration and payment, selected papers will also be considered for a special issue of the Leadership & Organizational Development Journal<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=lodj>. Published by Emerald ISSN: 0143-7739
The Proceedings have an ISSN and ISBN and will be indexed in the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science<http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/science_products/a-z/conf_proceedings_citation_index?parentKey=555184,539593> (WOS) Conference Proceedings Citation; The Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK; by Google Books and Google Scholar and listed in the EBSCO database of Conference Proceedings and Elsevier SCOPUS abstract and citation database.
Follow the conference on LinkedIn<http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Conferences-on-Management-Leadership-Governance-4446918/about>   Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Conferences-on-Management-Leadership-and-Governance-ECMLG-ICMLG/437117972965349> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/mlg_confs>

Kind regards

Sue Nugus
Conferences Director
sue at academic-conferences.org<mailto:sue at academic-conferences.org>
Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148
Follow me on Twitter<https://twitter.com/#!/suenugus>
Connect with me on LinkedIn<http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/sue-nugus/7/616/1b4>

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