[AISWorld] allstatGUI

Geoffrey Hubona ghubona at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 10:50:21 EDT 2014


No-cost, downloadable R-based application GUI that supports:

1) Mediation/Moderation analyses - Supports the detailed examination and
analyses of the direct, indirect and total effects, plus extensive analyses
of the differences among these effects, for all of A.F. Hayes' 77 PROCESS
templates (see http://www.afhayes.com) for both regression and path
modeling with latent variables. R code developed by Dean Lim and Geoffrey

2) VIMGUI - Extensive missing data visualization and imputation
capabilities, including numerous visualizations to see patterns of
missingness; Knn, EM, and regression-based imputation algorithms; and
direct support (import and export) of complex  'survey' objects as created
and modified using T. Lumley's survey package in R.

3) R Commander: Comprehensive statistical analyses capabilities for
inference, basic statistical analyses, linear and non-linear modeling (GLM,
Multinomial and more), multivariate analysis, survival analysis, and many
more using R Commander and the two dozen Rcmdr Plugin add-ons.

4) Data Miner: Full support for life cycle data mining task requirements
using the popular Data Miner (rattle package) tool developed by Graham

Geoff Hubona
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