[AISWorld] ICIS Mid-Career Consortium - still time to sign up

Warkentin, Merrill MWarkentin at business.msstate.edu
Wed Jul 16 06:13:43 EDT 2014

Are you recently tenured?  Or ready for the next stage in your academic career?  Read on ...

ICIS Mid-Career Consortium
December 14, 2014

Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University, mwarkentin at acm.org
Rajiv Kohli, College of William & Mary, Rajiv.Kohli at mason.wm.edu

International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Auckland, New Zealand, http://icis2014.aisnet.org
Senior Advisor: Sandra Slaughter, Georgia Tech

This consortium is designed to facilitate career development for those IS academics who are at a mid-point in their career, neither beginning professors nor senior professors.  Often recently tenured, professors attending this consortium are at an inflection point in their career and will make decisions that will have a critical impact on the remainder of their careers.  Some faculty members will assume new service responsibilities, some will pursue new research topics, some will seek an administrative position, some will seek new teaching challenges, and others will raise their academic profile within the academic community in a variety of ways.

If this profile fits you, consider attending the ICIS 2014 Mid-Career Consortium on December 14th, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand.  (There is no fee to attend the consortium.)

Consortium participants will gain perspectives on career management, including new opportunities, new demands, and new pressures in various potential career tracks that an academic may follow.  They will hear perspectives on how to balance tasks to achieve career goals.  A diverse panel of scholars, administrators, educators, and entrepreneurs will share their views on the decisions and pursuits of mid-career academics.

Morning sessions will identify various career track options that participants may consider in their future (research, pedagogical, administration, service, etc.). Then after lunch, participants will choose breakout tables to engage in scenario exercises and freely discuss various career choices and to seek personalized guidance from colleagues and mentors.

Application Process

There is no fee to attend the consortium. We understand that many individuals will wait to learn if their ICIS submissions are accepted, so we have extended the deadline for applications to August 21, 2014.  Applications must include a current CV and a brief statement describing the applicant's current academic status and potential future career goals.  All application materials should be emailed to the co-chairs at mwarkentin at acm.org and Rajiv.Kohli at mason.wm.edu .

Confirmed speakers and facilitators (others may be added):
Varun Grover, Roger McHaney, Moez Limayem, Rick Watson, K.K. Wei, Tony Clear, Christian Wagner, Steve Elliot, Susan Brown, Jason Thatcher, Edgar Whitley, Bernard Tan, Ramesh Venkataraman, Craig Van Slyke, Paul Lowry, Kevin Desouza, and Vallabh Sambamurthy.

For further details, please visit http://tinyurl.com/2014MidCareer
 or http://icis2014.aisnet.org/index.php/program/mid-career-consortium

-          Merrill Warkentin, www.MISProfessor.us<http://www.MISProfessor.us>
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