Ghiyoung Im ghiyoung.im at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 10:27:02 EDT 2014




Auckland, New Zealand - December 17, 2014


In conjunction with the 2014 International Conference of Information Systems
(ICIS), the Korean Chapter of the Association for Information Systems
(KrAIS) will hold its fourth annual Post-ICIS LG CNS/KrAIS Research Workshop
(henceforth, "the Workshop") immediately following ICIS in Auckland, New
Zealand on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. We cordially invite you to submit
your papers to the workshop. We are particularly interested in original
research work on a broad range of topics related to information systems as
the Workshop is not restricted to any specific topics. 


We solicit original research and technical papers neither published nor
submitted elsewhere. Doctoral students and junior faculty members are
especially encouraged to submit their research. Student-authored papers will
be given special consideration. Selected high quality papers from the
workshop proceedings will be invited for a possible fast-track publication
in the KMIS' flagship journal, the Asia Pacific Journal of Information
Systems (APJIS). 


Important Dates:

Submission System Open:           Friday, August 1, 2014

Submission Deadline:                     Friday, September 12, 2014

Notification of Acceptance:         Friday, October 3, 2014

Workshop:                                          Wednesday, December 17,


Fast-Track Journal Publication Opportunities: 

High quality papers from the workshop will be invited for a possible
fast-track publication in the Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems
(APJIS), the flagship journal of the Korean Society of Management
Information Systems (KMIS).  



As part of an effort to enhance the research capabilities and increase the
international visibility of Korean IS scholars, this year's workshop will
include a special paper development workshop.  High quality papers with
strong potential for publication in the top IS journals (e.g., Information
Systems Research, MIS Quarterly) will be invited to participate in the
workshop where prominent senior scholars (e.g., former and current SE, AE
and reviewers from ISR, MISQ) with publishing and/or editorial experience at
the top journals will provide detailed comments such that these papers can
eventually be publishable in top journals.  We encourage KrAIS members to
submit their best work to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. 


Best Student Paper Award:

In order to promote scholarship among Korean doctoral students, KrAIS will
continue to offer best student paper awards to four doctoral students
sponsored by LG CNS. Similar to past years, the four best student-authored
papers accepted for presentation at the 2014 Workshop will be selected and
awarded with a scholarship of US$500 for each paper. Two scholarships will
be awarded to student authors currently affiliated with foreign academic
institutions where as the remaining two will be awarded to student authors
currently affiliated with Korean academic institutions.  



As a chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) serving AIS
members with Korean heritage, the Korean Chapter of the Association for
Information Systems (KrAIS) aims to promote the scholarship by its members.
Any Korean scholars and professionals - both domestic and abroad - who are
interested in the development, management, and use of information and
communication technologies are encouraged to participate. 


The objective of the KrAIS Research Workshop is to provide a forum where its
members can exchange ideas and information and promote possible
collaboration among its members. In particular, the annual Workshop will
focus on helping graduate students and junior faculty improve their research
and develop scholarship through close interactions with peers and senior
faculty. The workshop will help graduate students and junior faculty publish
their research in top-tier scholarly journals and effectively move their
careers forward. 



Authors are encouraged to submit either completed research or
research-in-progress papers complying with the 2014 KrAIS Workshop
formatting requirements. All submissions must be either in English or in
Korean. If you want to submit a paper in Korean, please submit a two-page
extended abstract in English as well. You can download the submission
template at https://sites.google.com/site/kraisweb/2014/template .


Page Limit Requirements:

The workshop accepts both completed research papers as well as
research-in-progress papers.  


* Completed research papers must not exceed fourteen (14) single-spaced
pages and must conform to the 2014 KrAIS Workshop submission template. The
14 pages must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover
page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count. 

* Research-in-progress papers must not exceed seven (7) single-spaced pages
and must conform to the 2014 KrAIS Workshop submission template. The 7 pages
must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page,
abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.


Authors who are interested in participating in the workshop need to submit
papers by September 12, 2014 through the EasyChair conference management
system (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lgcnskrais2014).
Submissions will undergo a blind review process. The submissions site will
open on August 1, 2014. 


Format of Workshop:

In order to facilitate in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas, the
Workshop will feature parallel sessions where five to six authors briefly
present their research for about 10 minutes each, followed by questions and
discussions. Sessions will be organized based on research interests and will
be led by two senior scholars who will serve as mentors. All participants
are expected to have read all the papers for the table prior to the workshop
so that the discussion will focus on how to improve the paper. All
participants may choose to present or discuss in Korean or English as most
KrAIS members are bilingual. 


Time and Venue:

The Workshop will be held from 1:00pm to 6pm on December 17, 2014 at The
University of Auckland Business School. Immediately following the Workshop,
the KrAIS business meeting and dinner will be held from 7 to 9 pm. We ask
current and future KrAIS members stay an extra day to support the new
initiative by KrAIS.



The LG CNS/KrAIS Research Workshop has been registered as an official
ancillary meeting and will appear in the official ICIS registration system.
KrAIS faculty members can register for the KrAIS Workshop when they register
for ICIS 2014. The registration fee for the Workshop is $40 for early bird,
$50 for regular, and $60 for on-site registration. Students are free of
charge. The income from the registration fee will be used to further promote
KrAIS programs and activities. 


If you have any questions about the 2014 Pre-ICIS LG CNS/KrAIS Research
Workshop, please feel free to contact the workshop co-chairs (contact
information provided below).  


We look forward to seeing you in Auckland in December!



Workshop Advisory Members: 

Ho-Geun Lee, Yonsei University

Jae Kyu Lee, KAIST

Victoria Yoon, Virginia Commonwealth University 


Workshop Co-Chairs:

Jungpil Hahn (jungpil at nus.edu.sg), National University of Singapore 

Ghiyoung Im (ghiyoung.im at louisville.edu), University of Louisville 

Hyunjeong Kang (hjkang at hongik.ac.kr), Hongik University 


Workshop Program Committee:

Youngbong Chang, Sungkyunkwan University

Byounggu Choi, Kookmin University

Wooje Cho, UNIST

Sunghun Chung, McGill University

Jahyun Goo, Florida Atlantic University

Sang Pil Han, Arizona State University

Hyo-Joo Han, Georgia Southern University

Yujong Hwang, DePaul University

Gwangjae Jung, Singapore Management University

Keumseok Kang, Florida International University

Kyeong Kang, University of Technology Sydney

Seung-Hyun Kim, Yonsei University

Yongsuk Kim, HKUST 

Jongwoo Jonathan Kim, University of Massachusetts Boston

Byungwan Koh, University of Calgary

Young Kwark, University of Florida

Juhee Kwon, City University of Hong Kong

YoungOk Kwon, Sookmyung Women's University

Dongwon Lee, Korea University 

Sangyong Tom Lee, Hanyang University

Dongjoo Lee, Hansung University

Kyung Young Lee, Bishop's University

Jong Seok Lee, University of Memphis

One-Ki Daniel Lee, University of Massachusetts Boston

Youngjin Lee, Denver University

Chulho Lee, Harbin Institute of Technology

Jung Lee, KIMEP University

Sanghee Lim, Johns Hopkins University

Jae Yoon Moon, Korea University 

Junghoon Moon, Seoul National University

Jeong-ha Cath Oh, Georgia State University

On-Ook Oh, University of Warwick

Min-Seok Pang, Temple University

JaeHong Park, Kyung Hee University

YoungKi Park, George Washington University

Sungjune Park, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Jaehyun Park, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Cheul Rhee, Ajou University

Jae Yeol Son, Yonsei University

Sung-Byung Yang, Ajou University


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