[AISWorld] Call for Papers for SOCA 2014 Workshop (AIBPS - IoTS - KASTLES - SOSC)

Massimo Mecella mecella at dis.uniroma1.it
Tue Aug 19 05:01:14 EDT 2014

Call for Papers for SOCA 2014 Workshop (AIBPS - IoTS - KASTLES - SOSC)

7th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing &
(SOCA 2014)


November 17-19, 2014 in Matsue, Japan

The 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing &
Applications (SOCA 2014) provides an international forum for researchers
from multiple disciplines to exchange and share their experiences, ideas,
and latest research results on all aspects of service-oriented computing
and applications.

If you missed the main conference submission deadline, submissions are now
invited for workshop papers to be included in the SOCA 2014 Workshop
Program. Workshops are meant to facilitate the exchange of ideas and
experiences between active researchers, and stimulate discussions on new
and emerging issues in line with the conference topics.

Workshops concentrate in-depth on research topics, and are also devoted to
application and/or standardization issues.

The SOCA 2014 Workshop Program include the following workshops :

AIBPS - Artificial Intelligence meets Business Processes and Services
Contact person: Andrea Marrella <marrella at dis.uniroma1.it>

IoTS - Internet of Things Services
Contact person: Chen-Mou Cheng <doug at ntu.edu.tw>

KASTLES - Knowledge and Service Technology for Life, Environment, and
Contact person: Takayuki Ito <ito.takayuki at nitech.ac.jp>

SOSC - Service Oriented Smart Cities
Contact person: Jin Nakazawa <jin at ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp>

All workshops follow the following schedule :

Paper submission deadline:  end of August 2014
(exact date depends on the workshop, please contact the reference person
for details)

Notification of acceptance:   September 11, 2014
Final Version Due:                 September 26, 2014 (firm)
Workshop Date:                      November 17, 2014

The papers in the workshops will be published in the SOCA proceedings that
will be included in the IEEE Digital Library. The length of submitted work
must not exceed 5 pages (including text, figures and references) in the
IEEE format. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings
Author Guidelines to prepare your papers with 8.5'' x 11'', two-column
format. Only papers in English will be accepted. Information about the IEEE
format can be found at: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting

--Massimo Mecella
   (SOCA 2014 Workshop Chair)

*Massimo Mecella*

*Ph.D. in Computing Science & Engineering [Dottore di ricerca in Ingegneria

Assistant professor [Ricercatore]

*SAPIENZA Università di Roma Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica,
Automatica   e Gestionale ANTONIO RUBERTI (DIAG)*
(ex Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica - DIS)
via Ariosto 25, I-00185 Roma, Italy
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