[AISWorld] IEEE BIBM 2014 Call for Industry, Workshop paper and poster

Call For Papers cfp.2014conference at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 23 23:13:41 EDT 2014

IEEE BIBM 2014 Call for Industry Papers, Workshop Papers and Posters

2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
Nov 2-5, 2014, Belfast, UK

The IEEE BIBM has established itself as the primer conference in
bioinformatics and biomedicine, The IEEE BIBM 2014 received 285 research
papers. If you miss the submission deadline, there are still other chances
for you to submit your research work to the IEEE BIBM 2014 Industry
program,  workshops and posters.

(1) 17 Workshops (Most workshops submission deadlines are in Early
Workshop Name
1 Inaugural International Workshop on Assistive Technologies in Smart
2 Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics(
3 Empowering Systems Medicine through optimal design of experimentation and
computational modelling(http://empoweringsystemsmedicine.weebly.com/)
4 Advanced Healthcare Sensor Systems(
5 2014 International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI
6 Workshop on Knowledge Extraction from Genomic Data(KEGD)(
7 2014 International Workshop on Biomolecular Networks and Human Diseases(
8 The Role of Quantified Self for Personal Healthcare (QSPH 2014)(
9 The 5th International Workshop on Integrative Data Analysis in Systems
Biology (IDASB 2014)(http://bioinfo.mc.vanderbilt.edu/idasb2014/index.html)
10 Workshop on Computational Translational Medicine(
11 High Performance Computing on Bioinformatics (HPCB 2014)(
12 The Fifth International Workshop on Information Technology for Chinese
Medicine (ITCM2014)(http://levis.tongji.edu.cn/itcm2014)
13 Computational Modelling and Bioinformatics in Epigenetics (CMBE2014)(
14 Workshop on Nanoinformatics for Environmental Health and Biomedicine(
15 Semantic Data Analytics and Bioinformatics(
16 2014 Workshop on Data mining from genomic rare variants and its
application to genome-wide analysis(
17 Simplicity – Enabling a Rapid Route to Publication(

(2) Industry Paper submission (Submission deadline:  September 21,  2014)
The Industrial Track solicits papers describing implementations of
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine solutions relevant to industrial settings.
The focus of industry track is on papers that address the practical,
applied, or pragmatic or new research challenge issues related to the use
of bioinformatics and biomedicine technologies in industry. We accept full
papers (up to 8 pages), extended abstracts (2-4 pages), as well as short
abstracts (1page, 500 words).

(3) Poster  (Submission deadline:  October 1,  2014)
Poster abstracts are limited to one page, must be camera-ready, and must
follow the same formatting requirements as the main papers

Online Submission:

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