[AISWorld] Webinar this week 3 Sept: CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming

Mathew Hillier m.hillier at uq.edu.au
Sat Aug 30 21:29:21 EDT 2014

Transforming Assessment Webinars - all sessions at no cost
[via AISWORLD email list - this is not direct mail - apologies for any cross posting]

Online session 3 September 'CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming'

Presenter: Richard Lobb, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

This session will explore the features of CodeRunner an online module in which student submitted program code is automatically evaluated against a range of test criteria and a grade assigned. The module can be used to accept other forms of structured text which can be similarly assessed.
Coderunner is used at the University of Canterbury for laboratories, assignments and mid-course tests in several courses and is to be used in a final exam for the first time this year. The talk will report on experiences with CodeRunner in several courses and will demonstrate the authoring of questions and the range of different questions that can be asked.

Hosted by Prof Geoffrey Crisp, Dean T&L RMIT University and Dr Mathew Hillier, University of Queensland.

Session details, time zone conversions and RSVP instructions.

Further information:
The Transforming Assessment webinars are part of a series of free events covering a range of e-assessment topics.
Further information on this and future events, recordings of past sessions, project information and participation/technical help on using the virtual classroom system can be found on our website at transformingassessment.com

Support for this activity has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and University of Queensland. The views expressed in this publication/activity do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring institutions.

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Dr Mathew Hillier
The University of Queensland, Australia
Transforming Assessment
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